Chapter 5

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As Nerida lay on the cot in her fevered slumber, her mind was assaulted with dreams.

Nerida stood before three figures, each as tall as mountains and as strong and stone. They were similar in looks. The figure on the left was clothed naught but a loincloth of shadows, his ebony skin glistening against his black hair, his golden eyes glowing from his face. Gold tattoos swirled up the mans body, his muscled body tense. The middle figure was also male. He had on a robe of clouds, stormy grey with lightning flashing across. His skin was also dark, but a tanned dark, not the ebony of the other. His hair was white and his eyes were an electric blue, streaked across with golden forks. The figure on the right was female, her dress made out of flickering flames, her hair like black coal. Her skin was as dark as the first, and her eyes were a molten red, like that of a forge's fire. Red tattoos were marked under her cheeks but that was her only markage. 

"Nerida Sea-Maiden why are you bringing these tiny mortals to the Scared Island?" The middle figure voiced boomed. Nerida kneeled before the man, her turqouise dress rippling and she bent before the three.

"They are here for a simple ship, nothing more Great One." Nerida said

"The greed of mortals is unsatiable. Once they enter Aotyia, they will want it as their own" The woman said

"They are different. Their leader..."

The ebony man cut in.

"You have feelings for this mortal, Nerida of the Sea." he said

"You know that is forbidden child" The middle man said

"Teshub, Mantus, perhaps we give Sea-Madien a chance." The fire-woman said

The two men looked at her.

"What do you mean Ayao?" Teshub asked

Ayao smiled, her eyes blazing cruelly.

"Our dear little Nerida has been away from home for a long time, eh my brothers? After years in the mortal realm with our dear Calypso, she attemps to return home, to bring forth a ship from the depths, fighting the Azurik Warriors. Do you remember them Nerida? Last time you we here they didn't seem to like you much."

Nerida touched her coverd shoulder, where the three thin scars marred her dark skin.

"Ha. I thought not" continued Ayao. "You will bring them here, and you will bring up the ship. But with it, you must fight the Azurik. Can your champions survive it? Methinks not. You will sacrifice the men to the Azurik. They will be killed knowing that you betrayed them, that your pretty face holds naught but a black heart, and your champion, your precious little bird will see you stab him through the heart, see his love send him to Davy Jones. You will see the betrayal in his eyes as his spirit goes to the depths.  And in return, we will grant you a place here on Ulleungo once more and forgive your forbidden acts."

"That is a fair deal, Calypso-daughter. What say you?" Mantus asked, his golden eyes staring coldly at Nerida's bowed form.

Nreida looked up, with tears in her green eyes, and said,


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