It was finally moving day and were packing the moving truck ready to leave.

"Hey" a voice said making me jump. I turned around to see jess. I soon as I saw him I started crying. He wraped his arms around me while I cried in his chest. 

" I'll promise I'll visit as much as I can and call every day I can" he said trying to calm me.

" Promise" I said

" Yes, I promise" he said hugging me tight while a tear fell from his eye. I reached up and wipped it away. It's weird like were so much like a couple even though we don't like each other in that way. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

" Kaylee time to go you'll be going with alex and Micah " my mom said pointing to their car. Alex stood their with a jelous look why I don't so I just ignored it. I nodded to my mom as she got in the car and left.

"Goodbye" I said to jess kissing his cheek

" Bye" he said kissing my forehead.

I got in the backseat of the car with micah waving goodbye at jess as we got further away. Trying to hold back tears as we turned the curb were I could no longer see him. I turned around to see Micah with a worried expression. "Are you okay" he asked worried.

"No" I said a little to harshly. I hate when people ask if your okay when they already know you're not and still ask. But I shouldn't take my anger out on him. "I'm sorry" I say turning to him

"It's okay I get you, if I were to leave my bestfriend I would act worse" I smiled at him thinking how cute he was with his white hair and gold eyes. Then turned to alex which I noticed wasn't the one driving he was also cute but to much of a jock not like Micah. I turned to the driver he had a black suit, black hair and blue eyes and looked around 19. It's weird how all these boys are good looking. I wonder if were they come from all boys are this hot. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Micah moved. I looked up and noticed I was leaning and holding to his hard muscled arm. I quickly got off blushing. " Sorry" I said to him.

"No problem" he said smiling

" You know he's not usually this nice" alex said for the first time speaking

"And why would I listen to you" I said annoyed

"Because I'm a prince and I'm always right" he said smirking while Micah and I just rolled our eyes

"Is he always this annoying " I said to Micah. He nodded.

"Your just jelous" alex said

"Of what?" I asked confused

"Me" he said

"And why would I ...?" I asked

" Because I'm awsome and you're not" he said as matter of fact

"Yea right and my names johny" I said

" What?" he said really confused

"It's sarcasm you idiot" I said. For a prince he sure is stupid

" Watever I knew" he mumbled turning around. I started getting sleepy and fell asleep closing my eyes.



"Kaylee were here!!" alex shouted

"Ugh shutup and go away" I mumbled sleepy

"I'll get her" I heard Micah say as I was suddenly lift of into a pair of arms. I threw my arms around his neck hiding my face in his chest. He smelled like cologne and something else. Withought thinking I blurted out " You smell good" I blushed

" Thanks I'm sure you do too" he chuckled. I was suddenly put down on a really soft bed. I opened my eyes to find a purple, gold, and blue room. I gasped at it's beauty. It had a huge walk in closet . It's own huge restroom with hotub, shower, and tub. In the room there were a desk a wall sized tv and a purple blue and gold couch.

"Is this my room" I asked to Micah who I hadn't noticed left came in the room

"Yes they had it specially designed for you" he said giving me an really old phone.

"What's this for" I asked confused

"For communication" he said as if I should know.

"I know I already have one"

"Those don't work here"

" oh" I said

" Heres your schoolschedule you can go if you want but it's not necessary " he said giving me the schedule.

"Ok thanx, hey weres alex" I asked

"Oh i don't know probably with some random girl. Well if you need anything I'll be next door and alexs is in the other side, thought I don't think you wanna go in there" he said making a funny face. I laughed but not wanting to know. There was still a question I had been wanting to ask him.

"Are you and Alex brothers?" I asked curious as to why they weren't a bit alike.

"Oh, no were best friends still don't know how or why" he said playfully. "But were really close so that's why I live in the palace" he said

"Well tomorrows the first day of school, and I should be leaving now it's really late"

"What time is it?" I asked

"Well it's 10 pm you should sleep" he said walking out of my room

I went to the closet and opened it to find it full of cloths, shoes, dresses, shirts, jeans, shoes, heels , jewlery and other stuff. I quickly changed into some pajamas and went to sleep thinking of the day after.




Sorry I took so long to upload


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- meli

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