Chapter Eight: At least thats what she thought

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Uraraka: "Can I kiss you?" Bakugou : "Do you want to make out?"

They both pause for a moment and then burst out laughing.

"Idiot." Bakugou husked with a smirk as he pulled her face and pressed their lips together in a soft kiss.

Uraraka buried her hands in Bakugous' ash blonde hair while Bakugou placed both his hands on her hips. Their lips only came apart for nothing but air, though, their make out breaks didn't last for too long.

Bakugou grew more aggressive by the seconds, he bit her bottom lips and lifted her up and onto his lap. For Urarakas' part, she was more on the shy side. Her face was beet red and she swiftly wrapped her legs around his lower back and her arms around his neck by reflex to keep herself from falling backwards.

Bakugou chuckled. "I won't let you fall dumbass." He squeezed both her chubby cheeks making her lips puff out, Bakugous' gaze never breaking their eye contact. As Bakugou pulled her by her ass for another make out session, they were suddenly interrupted.

"We've arrived at our destination." Called out the bus driver. "Hurry on out and kick rocks kids." (Heart immediately hurts, feeling bad for Kirishima.)

Uraraka practically jumps off of him and runs to the front of the bus and out of the door with Bakugou trailing behind. As he passes by the rude bus driver, he gives him his owe without a tip and runs out the door chasing after Uraraka.

"Round face! Wait up would ya'?" Bakugou yelled out as he ran, catching up with Uraraka.

He finally reached her and grabbed her by her wrist, turning her toward him. When her face was turned to him, he could see a couple of tears that began to form within her eyes. He pulled her gently towards him and placed a hand on her cheek, only for her to swat it away.

"Ochako." He said softly. "What's wrong?"

She sniffles and rubbed at her eyes. "I'm sorry Bakugou but, I'm not in my right mind at the moment. I'm trying to get over a rejection and I think that's why I keep trying to be a little more touchy and sexual with you, My brain wants to distract myself from what I've been trying to heal from. And don't get me wrong! You're a great guy and I'm not saying I don't like you, I just need time. Can we try it slow? Not rush into things."

Bakugou sighed and let go of her wrist, eventually reaching her gaze. "If that's what you want, so be it. I'm willing to give you a try and if that's what it takes, I'm willing to do it for you. Just don't keep me waiting for too long or I'll eventually grow bored and do something you won't like or just get tired of waiting and move on." He gave her a Sincere smile to reassure her that he will wait, but that soon turned into his angry face expression. "What did I say about calling me 'Bakugou'!? I said for you to call me 'Katsuki' idiot!"

She giggled at him and gave him a hug before she walked towards the buildings main doors. Surprisingly, he hugged her back, but the hug didn't last long after he got flustered and pushed her away and told her to go inside before she gets into trouble for not being in the dorms by Eight o'clock. It was currently Seven Fifty and Bakugou didn't want everyone to talk about them if they came inside together, so he stayed behind. When Uraraka went through the halls and was about to open her door, a voice stopped had her.

"Hey, Uraraka-San?" Said a green haired boy.

She wasn't ready to talk to him, she felt like crying. Her chest hurt, but she knew she had to face him eventually. She took a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face before she faced him.

"Yes Midoriya?"

Midoriya frowned, he looked rather hurt hearing her call him by his last name. She would usually just call him 'Deku', or even 'Deku-Kun' if she was excited. He felt bad and came to confront her to correct his mistake. The very same mistake for rejecting her and leaving her alone the way he did.

"I uh-....... I'd like to apologize. I know what I did was wrong, I broke your heart instead of kindly telling you I didn't feel the same. You don't have to forgive me, but uh, I've been thinking about this all weekend and I was wondering, can we still be friends? Can we forget about your confession and my rejection and go back to the way things were? It'd be nice to be reassured that I didn't ruin one of my friendships with one of my best friends."

It was a long silenced moment as Uraraka stared at a wall and Midoriya Fidgeted waiting for her reply. Uraraka didn't know what to say, she wanted to be friends again but how would their relationship complicate her life if she put such a thing behind her? Could they make it work? Was she ready to forget about it? Should she tell him she needs time as she did to Bakugou? These were the thoughts that crossed her mind as they stared in silence.

"Midoriya I....... I think it'd be best if we stay friends as well but, I don't think I'm ready to put it behind me. I don't want anything about us to change but everything changes within time. Let's be friends and see where it takes us. I haven't completely gotten over you but I will soon. I've actually already found someone who is willing to stand by me and wait for me to heal."

Something about that statement had Midoriyas' blood boiling. Perhaps it was jealously but he couldn't be jealous, he had no time for love. He had already rejected her and needed to be happy for her but he couldn't push the angered feeling down. Truth is, he loves her. He just won't admit it to himself. He smiled and pretended as if nothing bothered him.

"I'm glad that there's someone waiting for you. It's getting late and I don't want to be yelled at Aizawa or even Iida, I'm going to head to my room. Thank you for giving me a second chance Uraraka-San, I appreciate it."

She waved to him and watched as he went down the hall and into his room. She went into her room herself and got ready for bed. She laid down and snuggled in her sheets and felt a Vibration from her phone and checked it before turning the lights off.
Explodo Boi: Sweet dreams Round Face

Explodo Boi: And don't act like I can't be nice, I can say things like "Sweet Dreams" whenever I'd like!

Looking at the message put a smile on her face as she turned the lights off. She wished that everyone could be as understanding as Bakugou, she just wanted everyone to give her time. After that thought, sleep wrapped her in a big blanket, only to be awoken by an alarm. At least that's what she though.

I will be changing my post schedule to Sunday because I have joined jiu jitsu which is Monday-Friday. Including school, which I begin on August 26th, I won't be able to post every Friday. I won't be posting this upcoming Sunday due to the fact that this message has been written two days before this Sunday and I will not be able to finish the story in time. Thank you for reading, have a nice day.😁

(1292 words)

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