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I didn't want to die this way. Sure I haven't had a great life and I've wanted to end it now and again. But I don't want to go like this!

I don't want to die at the hands of Ace! I'll admit I like him, he's just so sweet and kind. I guess I should of new something was up the moment I accepted his offer to stay with him.

I barely new him, but there was a pull, a pull telling me to trust him and accept his offer. It was probably just him using his vampire abilities though.

I'm sure that's it.

"Kyler?" Ace's voice sounded worried. But by then I was bolting threw the woods onto the road and running.

I don't care if I have to stay with my dad and his -gags- wife. I don't want to live with a bloodsucker.

Wait that means his parents are vampires and his sweet little sister! Well I mean his parents do have a weird old fashioned creepiness to them. His sister I wouldn't even guess was one though.

Arms caught me around my waster lifting me off the ground, make me gasp and scream for them to get off.

"Let me go!" I screamed kicking my legs and throwing my arms around.

"Kyler stop it and hear me out!" Ace yelled in my ear making me wince and stop at the warning in his voice.

He slowly let me go, probably to make sure I wouldn't run away again, and I turned to face him.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I can't! Your my mate Kyler!" He said with sad pleading eyes, eyes that were staring into mine with a burning passion.

He kept saying mate, I didn't understand. I've heard the word before yeah, but I didn't get it.

He seen my confusion and took a deep breath, "Come back to my place and let me explain? Please?"

I was reluctant to answer, but the look in his eyes told me I could trust him, it was the same look he gave me that day in the park.

I nodded slowly, "Okay."

He nodded and let out a breath, he lead the way to his place, I didn't trust him being behind me.

We made it back to his place and went straight to his room, ignoring his questioning sister.

We sat on his queen sized bed, him in front of me. We say in silence for a good 10 minutes until he started.

"So I guess you already know the basics, I'm a vampire and your my mate." He stated, I nodded waiting for him to continue.

"Basically a mate is someone your destined to be with, they're your other half. Not everyone meets there mate, but once you do your with that person till death." He stated, making my eyes widen in shock. "If either person were to reject you or pass away, you would surely die, you can't live without that person once you've found them."

I shook my head, "You have the wrong person"

He shook his head this time, "Do you not feel the pull I do?"

I didn't say anything at first, because I knew that yes I did feel something, but it was just a school girl crush.

"No, I don't." He looked crushed by my words, he honesty looked heartbroken.

"I do." He stated with confidence. I almost changed me mind but then I remembered who was saying it.

Ace, a vampire. I didn't even know that they were real, I mean people always talk about vampires being scary and mean. But Ace is the complete opposite. He's so nice and sweet.

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