Chapter 15

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                                                                                          Lette loves her family

                                                                                                 Lette loves her family

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The early morning rays of sun blinded me as I looked up at the palace ceiling. We had decided to stay in the palace for one more night, and then leave. The morning felt fresh and smelled like Sunday shampoo for some reason. I quickly sat straight up and rubbed my eyes. My room had a warm yellow tint to it because of the sun. Yes, it's time to leave for Mardu.

      "Collette!" Mao yelled as she carefully walked to me with a smile. She had two maids walking with her, making sure she didn't fall. Mao grabbed both of my hands and warmly smiled. "Collette, ahh~ I never knew I was so beautiful~" she said sweetly as she examined me from different angles. "Neither did I. Anyway, I'll be leaving Cairii today, Mao." I announced to her.
     She looked disappointed. Ah, she looks like a puppy. Suddenly she yelled, "You must come back to visit, Collette!! You understand!?" I quickly nodded. "Good, then off you go!" Mao yelled as she shooed me. "Okay, bye then, Mao!!" I yelled as I quickly walked away from her. I looked back, Mao was waving with a charming smile. Ahh, I still can't get used to the fact that Mao looks just like me.

"Thank you for allowing us the time to be in your wonderful country, O great Emperor. We shall now take our leave." Jack said in a quick manner. "I see, take care. Oh and tell your king he should come play cricket with me again." The beautiful emperor said with that same mystical tired elegance that enchanted us in the beginning. He was laying luxuriously on a little paladin covered with a canopy to block out the sun. It seemed it was made especially for the emperor so that he could personally greet and say farewell to his guests. "We most certainly will. Good bye then." Jack said respectfully as he bowed. We all followed his lead and bowed with him. Then we departed into the carriages.
The ride would be very long an tiring just liked before. But this time, I would have motivation to keep staying strong through all the vomiting!! Willow, I promised her I would spend time with her, I can't possibly break it by vomiting! Of course, I still felt horrible and sick throughout it. "Uuuaahahhggghhh blelleghhh!!" I moaned. "What's the matter?" Cornia asked curiously staring at me. "I feel sick." I replied looking pale. "Ah! Do you have a fever?" Cornia asked again looking worried. "Noooo! It's called road sicknesss!! When I'm on a moving vehicle for a long time, I feel like a sick Dalmatian!!" I yelled feeling way too warm.
"I already know that. I was just asking to carry out the conversation." Cornia sighed as she lifted her hand in the air. She then twirled her hand around and something started to emerge from a blueish light. It swirled and twirled until there it was. A road sickness pack. She slowly opened it and took a pack out of the container. She ripped open the plastic outer bits and slapped it on my neck. AHHH! So cool!! I'm starting to feel better already!!
"This is great, Cornia!! How did you do this, in this world!?" I yelled curiously, once again full of life. "Just a bit of alchemy, since I already know what it's made of. I could just put the ingredients in the right order and science will do its job. Of course, this world's science is a bit messed up." Cornia said with a smile. "Wow, so talented!!" I said while touching the pack on my neck. It was cool to the touch and smooth.
      Two days is much to long for a road trip, but you can't do much about it, because it's carriages. Maybe I should invent cars? No, I don't even know how a car works!! Ah, but I think Endo does. He regularly drew it's parts, he found it more interesting to draw than any other object. He liked people the best, because, "Humans are so expressive and different from one another. I just love drawing their expressions and worries.". I wonder, what he's doing now. I wonder if he came to my funeral.  I wonder if Kaoru came to my funeral.
     I wish I could just see how they're doing, my brothers. But that's the worst thing about reincarnation, you can't. I wonder if Endo is still drawing, I wonder if he's graduated art school. I wonder if Kaoru got married to Shinobu yet. They've been dating for so long, just tie the knot already....don't let my death stop you, okay? I wonder if they've forgiven me. If they will ever forgive me. No they won't. Because I told them not to, not even in my death to forgive me.
     Hey, brothers. Don't end up living a dull life and dying a short death. Okay....?
"Why are you crying?" Cornia asked casually as she looked at me from the side. "What?" I asked as I quickly lifted my hand up to my cheeks. It was tears, they were soft and gentle, barely noticeable. It seems, I'm quite an emotional person. How unexpected. I slowly narrowed my eyes and said, "I guess, I'm sleepy." Cornia looked at me confused, and uttered "What!?" But I couldn't hear a single word after that. Because I had already started snoozing off for sleep. Sorry, Cornia.

I Refuse to Live a Dull Life This Time! Wattys 2019Where stories live. Discover now