|ten| - edited

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"Peter, oh my god, wake up!" I stood up and shook his shoulders, bringing him into conciseness.

"What?" He mumbled, opening one eye. He seemed to remember that we were on the Quin Jet, on our way to Wakanda, to unbrainwash an ex Soviet Asasisian who was taken as a prisoner of war. Or maybe it was just me who kept thinking about that. Anyways, he sat up.

"We're here," I gestured out the window. The jet was landing and the palace was right outside our window. Peter and I squeezed together and peered out of it, mouths dropped in awe. The jet hit the ground and Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I frantically hit the button until the door opened and the stairs decended.

Bags in hand, we exited the jet. A member of the Dora Milaje was waiting for us.

"Hi, I'm Peter," He dropped my hand to shake hers. She raised an eyebrow but took his hand anyways.

"My name is Okoye. Please follow me, you both have much to discuss," She turned around and walked towards the entrance, and Peter and I trailed closely after her. We walked through the entrance of the palace and through the high ceilinged hallways, gaping at the artwork on the walls.

"Look at this!" I grabbed Peters arm and pulled him towards a large mural. The painting was of a tree, done up in shades of purple and black. I've never had much of a eye for art, I've never been good at it, but the people who can amaze me. I've really only had a brain for math and science.

We continued to follow Okoye, and I swear I saw something like a smile on her face while we geeked out about the art on the walls.

"This is the lab, the Princess asked me to lead you here. She says that you know about the Captian and Sargent Barnes, so you should not be surprised to find them inside,-" I stopped listening and pushed the doors of the lab open. I frantically looked around, not taking time to marvel at the advanced technology. My eyes landed on Steve.

I ran and jumped onto him, pulling him into a hug. "Hey, Cap."

He was my family. He was my family and then he left. And I understand why he left, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

"Hey, Half-Pint," He greeted warmly, returning the hug. I detached myself from him and took a step back, straight into something. I turned around and gazed into the blue eyes of someone. I took a small step back. "Buck, this is Ari Stark. Ari, this is Bucky," Steve introduced. I offered my hand to shake and tentatively, he took it.

"You're the one that's going to fix my head?" He asked softly. I squeezed his hand.

"I'm going to do my best," He gave me a small smile in return, taking his hand back.

"Oh! Right, this is my friend Peter Parker. Pete, this is Captain America and the Win-" I cut myself off mumbling no, he doesn't do that anymore, "Bucky Barnes." Both fugitives seemed releived at my correction.

"H-hi, I'm Peter!" Peter offered his hand and Cap took it.

"So you're Spider-Man?" Bucky asked. Peter raised his eyebrows, stuttering over his denial.

"What? No, wh-why would you think that I'm him? No, that-thats crazy!"

"It's fine, I told them. Your secret is safe, Pete." I put my hand on his shoulder, and Peter smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry about your shield, um," Peter addressed Cap before turning to Bucky, "And for the webs and stuff. It's nothing personal." Steve and Bucky laughed at Peters

"Ari, bring your smart friend over here. We don't have all year!" Shuri's voice rang through the lab. I looked to Steve, almost asking for permission, and he nodded.

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