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"You have a light?"

"Yeah, here." He leaned over to the left of his bed opening up the dark oak side table pulling out a blue lighter and handing it to the blonde laying nude next to him.

"You don't care if I...?"

"Oh no, go ahead. Can I share?" He gave her a smirk

Lighting the cigarette she took two long drags and released. Jessica passed the cigarette to him and leaned her head on his bare chest. Danny ran his fingers along her back, rubbing his hands through her blonde loose curls every time he got the chance.

"I could lay like this all day with you." She confessed

He was taken back by the sweet confession. She rarely expressed any emotion he brought to her.

"—but," she continued

"but you can't stay the night?" He argued

"Danny, come on. You kno-"

"No. I don't. You never stay the night. I can never stay at yours. I made you room in the closet. I left you a toothbrush. I bought the soap you like...I...I wanna make you stay." He released his hold on her and turned to get up from the bed.

She sat stunned and watched him angrily looking for cloths to cover himself. Quickly she followed, searching his room for her dress. After collecting her things she looked all around his flat trying to find him.

He sat on the balcony looking over LA, smoking a cigarette. She slid open the glass door separating them, she wanted to say something but she wasn't sure how to.

"Danny, I am flattered that you want me to stay. I am. But, I just I'm not ready for that yet. I didn't think you ev-."

"Stop. Jess,'s been almost a year. I don't want just a fuck. I like you. Actually, I fucking am in love with you. I want more. So, what are we doing?" His voice was shaky and his green eyes were glassy.

She let out a loud sigh and sat next to him. The slight breeze gave her goosebumps, and the night light helped her guard herself from being completely vulnerable.

"I didn't know you loved me."

"Yeah," He scoffed and turned to look at her

"Wow. know I'm not a future person. I like where we are, so why can't we just keep it like this. Baby it's so good, really good." She reached for his hand.

"I can't anymore. I need more."

Her stomach dropped.

"So this is it?" Her voice was now weak

"I guess so." He dropped the cigarette in the ash tray and looked at her. Her eyes were welling up and a single tear fell and she quickly whipped it away. She stood up and leaned over and softly placed a kiss on his forehead and left him out on his balcony.

Two Months Later

"I'll have a lime margarita, frozen please."
"Jess, honey, what do you want?" Jenny, a dear friend of over twenty years asked.

"Uhhh, just whatever you got." Jessica was looking off in the distance of the bar completely ignoring her friends presence

"Jess, are you sure? You can get something else?"


"What are you looking at?"

Jenny looked over her friends shoulder, looking for someone familiar. In the back left of the bar, a man and women shared a booth.
A tall, dark, and handsome man sat with a gorgeous twenty something blonde girl. His arm wrapped around her, and the couple were crowded by friends. They were laughing. And, they looked happy.

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