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"I don't know how much longer I can go without you." She confessed

On the other side of the phone and half way across the country, her lover would confess the same feelings.

"Two more days. It's killing me. I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to kiss you." She giggled

The honeymoon stage was were these two lay, and neither had plans to move from there.

"God. I love you."

"I love you more." She twirled her hair between her fingers

It was like they were teenagers. This love affair moved fast. Each partner fell fast. There was no plan, but she didn't care. She had never been a lover to hold back. When she fell she fell hard. She was having fun. She smiled. She laughed. She was smitten.

Him, he was even worse. He was head over heels. He melted for her. She was all he thought about. He pinched himself all the time. He loved waking up to her. He loved making love to her. He loved falling asleep next to her. He loved to love her.

"What are your plans for today?" He asked, trying to move the conversation before it got too dangerous to resist

"Not much, I just finished the laundry, going to put some of it away...maybe go for a walk. Just relaxing, I need this weekend."

"You do, you've been working so much lately."

"I got home at one in the morning the other day. I need a break."

"Yes you do. But, I won't keep you much longer. Call me tonight beautiful?"

"Of course."

"Alright, two days. Two. I love you."

"I love you more, be careful."

She hung up the phone. She laid flat on her bed, searching for the energy to get her day started.

Taking his laundry, and all his jeans she folded all of them preparing them for their rightful place in his closet. Grabbing the pile of folded cloths, she realized she couldn't reach the top shelf. Standing on her tippy toes she reached up throwing the pants the best she could to fit nicely on the shelf. Missing, she brought all the new folded cloths and the  ones sitting in the shelve right to the floor.


She bent down and grabbed the pants refolding one by one. The last one a small box fell right out of the pocket.

It was a small black velvet box.

"Holy shit."

She held the box in her hand contemplating opening it. Her breathing got heavy and tears erupted in her eyes. He was planning on proposing. Slowly opening the box, her eyes got all teary. The ring was a 12k pillow cut diamond, sitting on a gold band. It was exactly what she dreamed of. It was perfect. She closed the box and hid it in the same pocket it fell from. 

Every second, every minute, every hour, for the next two days all she could think of was that box.

At 10:15 pm, she could hear the door of the apartment close, and his voice call out for her.

"Jess! Baby, you home?"  Dropping his duffle to the ground, he went for the master thinking she would already be in bed.

"Danny!" She ran down the hall towards him and jumped right in his arms

"Hi baby!"
He kissed her over and over again

"Come on, are you hungry, I made dinner. I can fix you up a plate real quick." She grabbed his hand and made him follow her to the kitchen.

She pulled the chair out for him to sit, as she heated up the leftovers.

"Come here." He reached for her hips and pulled her to sit on his lap

"I missed kissing you." He whispered into her lips

The two started with innocent kisses that was quickly falling into a full on makeup session.
The microwaved beeped, and she pulled away, just when he gripped her to stay put.
"Forget about that."

She straddled his waist and began to slightly move her hips on him. He moaned into her ear and he began to grow under her. She smiled at how much he desired her. She reached for his belt, as he was working on removing her shirt when she abruptly stopped her actions.

"Hmm. Wait. Can...can I...I need to talk to you." She tried to escape his lips

"Right now?"


"Okay, what do you need to talk about."

"I wasn't going to say anything but...but I need you to know. I don't want to lie to you. The other day I was folding your jeans and I accidentally found the ring."

His face went white. He was so disappointed.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't snooping or anything it just fell and I...I didnt open it but I..."


"I'm so sorry." She kissed right between his eyes

"Marry me?" He said so bluntly

"Danny!" She slapped his chest

"I was gonna wait but...but I don't want to anymore. I want to marry you." He kissed her throat, and her neck and behind her ear.

"Just marry me baby."

"Yes." She whispered

"Yeah?" He smiled

"I would never say no." She kissed his lips so softly. He kissed her back with more force.

"Mmm...Let me go get your ring." He patted her butt signaling to let him up.

"Nope, forget about that. I just want to kiss you right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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