Chapter 7 - Finding the Smallest Threat

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I made the cover for DragonKitty's book, The Tale of Dragon Girl. Another one of my fans. I love these people. :3

Oh, the song posted to the right is how she sings it.


I spend most of the next few days trailing the careers. From what I heard, I'm one of the two non-career tributes remaining. This means I'm in the final eight. That has never happened before to a district 12 tribute. Too bad I won't be the winner.

When Jackson goes ahead to do something, the other careers immediately start talking about how to kill him. I smirk. Serves him right for joining the careers.

I decide I'm going to need to try and kill the remaining non-career tribute before moving onto the actual careers. This in itself is going to be tricky. My family lived a mostly vegetarian diet because I never actually found any game the few times I had gone into the woods, since I suck at tracking.

I search for about half a day until I finally give up on finding her. I climb up into a tree to rest for the rest of the day. While I'm up there, I'm so at peace, so secluded, I start to sing. It's a song my father made up when I was a little girl.

"Are you, are you coming to the tree,

Where they strung up a man they say murdered three.

Strange things did happen here,

No stranger would it be,

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you coming to the tree,

Where the dead man called out

for his love to flee.

Strange things did happen here,

No stranger would it be,

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

The air is silent. No birds calls, nothing. I keep singing.

"Are you, are you coming to the tree,

Where I told you to run

So we'd both be free.

Strange things did happen here,

No stranger would it be,

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you coming to the tree?

Wear a necklace of rope

Side by side with me.

Strange things did happen here,

No stranger would it be,

If we met up at midnight in the hanging tree."

The last note hangs in the air. It's all silent. Then the mockingjays take up the tune, in an eerie but beautiful song. Funny, I didn't even realize there were any around here. It's so peaceful, so calming, I almost miss the crack of a branch.

I snap up, grab my knife and my slingshot and turn in the direction of the sound. I see her. The remaining girl to kill before I can move on to the careers. She doesn't seem to notice me, though, she looks to be in a trance. Noes the perfect time to kill her. My fingers fumble to load a rock into my slingshot. I take aim and pull back the string. But I can't let go. I can't kill the girl.

I watch her, still ready to shoot. She shakes her head a few times, then looks around the camp confused. She sees the food I had near the bottom and grins, reaching for it. That's the only incentive I need to shoot.

The rock is heavy, but it doesn't kill her. It only knocks her cold. I climb down to finish the job. Her eyes are still open, but unseeing. I slide them closed with my fingers before slitting her throat.

I clean my knife on my pants as the cannon for her death goes off. This time, I show no remorse, despite my hatred of myself for killing her without mercy. Maybe she had a boyfriend who really thought she would make it back home. A best friend. My breath catches when I think of Annie. I hope Annie's doing alright without me. I hope her opinion of me hasn't changed because she saw me kill a few people.

I nestle into my sleeping bag, close my eyes, and go to sleep.

They're here. Watching me. All the dead tributes in the games. The two I killed myself try and claw at me. It hurts. Chalice is there. She stares at me, and repeats the same words over and over.

"If only.... If only..... If only.... If only...."

I can't ask her what she means, because I'm trying to fend off the two tributes. Chalice's voice is getting more anxious and panicked. She's nearly shrieking at me, screaming those words. I fall to the ground and cover my ears, and the tributes shred my skin to ribbons. The pain is too much.

I wake up with a start, nearly screaming. I catch myself before I do, though. I can tell by the light that its about the middle of the morning. I should have been up hours ago.

I climb down and collect all the items of importance. Apparently I was far enough away from the body that it was collected sometime during the night. I feel stupid for forgetting this detail. If the careers had come looking for me, they would have known I was still around the second they saw her body.

I walk silently. From now on, my objective is to find a way to either get the careers separated, or get rid of their stockpile. I'm leaning towards option one, since it'll be nearly impossible to destroy the pile of supplies.

I reach the cornucopia, and see the careers just beginning to get our of bed. I watch them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to start killing them off. My eyes fix on Jackson. He'll be my first target. Unless I can make the others kill him off first... I begin to formulate a plan.

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