Part Ten

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     Part Ten (yay! Double digits!)

     Heir? I'm an heir? I... what? So not only am I unhuman (is that even a word???) but I'm also... Royalty? 

     "Does that mean that... I'm a princess?" I asked in confusion. My mind was whirling around like a tornado and I was slightly seeing stars. Uhhhh, I feel like utter shit.

     My father gave me a small smile. "Yes. You are our Princess, the Princess of the Elves among other things. You see, Elves are the dominant race in our world, but you will rule all creatures and have advisers for every race. You are the Ultimate Queen, but you will have Generals of each race." He said.

     "H-how many races are we talking here?" I asked.

     "Well, there are Elves, the Fae, Nymphs, Sirens, Merpeople, Shifters, Vampires, Witches Warlocks and Sorcerers, Shamans, Spirit Guides, Totem Animals, Angels both light and dark, Demons, Constellations, Pixies, and Salamanders." He said, no hesitation at all.

     "What are Shamans, Spirit Guides, Totem animals, Constellations, and Salamanders?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

     "Shamans are magic men or women that can help heal or balance souls. Spirit Guides watch over certain creatures that have troubled lives. Totem Animals are spirit animals that can connect to ones soul and guide them their whole lives. Constellations are the spirits or people that live in the Heavens that make our stars. And Salamanders are elementals that can control fire and heat." He said. All those creatures exist? I was thinking it all over when a surge of pain washed over me.

     "Ahh!" I cried. Tears leaked out of my eyes and I winced. I heard people taking and felt myself being lifted. By the fireworks on my flesh, I knew who it was. Suddenly, wind was passing me at hundreds of miles an hour. I heard more voices, but couldn't tell what they said through the blood pounding in my ears.

     Slowly it faded into sweet, dark nothingness.


     When I woke up, I felt a warm, calming presence next to me. Deep breathes calmed my slightly frantic heartbeat. I felt the bed I was on, it was like a cloud. I felt no pain and hesitantly opened my eyes. Light poured in a huge window and shone on the room. It had stone walls, but wasn't cold or creepy. There were tapestries on the walls, showing beautiful pictures of nature. Bookshelves lined one wall and old books sat upon them.The ceiling had rafters and about ten.... butterflies sat there? The huge wooden double doors were carved in a complicated pattern. There were two other doors, probably a bathroom and closet.I looked down at the bed and my eyes grew wide.

     I. Was. On. A. Mutherfuckin'. Cloud. Literally. It was mistly looking and 3 feet off the ground. The blankets were exotic furs and were surprisingly warm and comfortable. The person next to me was... Golau. I think anyway. Instead of the jeans and t-shirt, he was wearing leather pants (not that I'm complaining) with a sheathed blade on his hip. He wore no shoes or shirt, but had black feathers in his hair. His eyes were closed and his chest rising and falling evenly. His platinum hair was in his god-like face and I brushed it out of the way.

     As soon as my fingers touched his skin, his eyes opened and he caught my wrist in his large hand. He snapped his head my way and in the blink of an eye, he was hovering above me, kissing me passionately.

     I quickly brushed off the shock and kissed him back just as fiercely. Our lips moved in harmony and his tongue brushed my lips. I opened my mouth eagerly and he entered my mouth. I moaned and a purr came from his chest. Heat grew wildly between my legs and a certain something poked my thigh. My hand moved at their oven accord and my right hand scratched lightly and rubbed his rock hard abs. My other hand was scratching his back, digging my nails into the smooth, warm skin. He didn't seem to mind, and his hands moved too. One went under my shirt, rubbing my breasts in a sensual way. The other grabbed me from behind my back, smashing me pleasantly to his gorgeous chest. 

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