Decorating [2]

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Trigger Warnings: Strong Language, Slight Violence

[September, 2004]

<Peter's Age: 3>

Third Person POV

Steve and Tony had started to work on Peter's room. Clearing out one of Tony's office spaces and filling it with appropriate furnature and decorations. While they worked on that, Bucky, Sam, and Clint watched little Peter.

"Do you like TV?" Clint asked Peter in a small and enthusiastic voice, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"Mhm," Peter replied, situating himself on Clint's lap. 

"My name is Clint, but you can call me Uncle Clint," He told the boy as he switched the channel to a kid's show.

"Uncle Clint!" Peter exclaimed, but it sounded more like "Um kell kimt". Clint laughed at the little one, ruffling his hair.

"You aren't even his uncle," Sam pointed out to the archer.

"Shut up," Barton replied.

"Shut up!" Peter repeated.

"No Peter don't say that!" Clint exclaimed, covering the boy's mouth.

Peter giggled, now knowing how to get a reaction out of Clint. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He shrieked over and over again, busting out into a fit of giggles.

"You're a dumbass," Sam snapped at the archer.

"Language!" Steve called as he walked by the room.

Bucky narrowed his eyes. "Since when is Steve a mom?" He asked everyone after Cap made the strange comment.

"Since the spiderling arrived. He's pretty much been in mom mode since he laid eyes on this kid," Sam informed the soldier in reply.

"Spiwder wing!" Peter repeated after Sam's words.

"A small little spiderling," Clint added, tickling the boy. He shrieked and squealed with laughter, squirming around. Out of no where, he squeezed out of Clint's grasp with his super strength and webbed himself up to the ceiling, sticking there with his fingers.

"I forgot he was a super child," Buck commented.

"Shut your dumbass up," Sam replied, standing up to pull Peter back down. The boy laughed, crawling away before Sam could reach him. "You little shit!" He exclaimed, taking another step towards him and reaching again. Peter suddenly webbed himself across the room, sticking to a wall.

"Don't call him that!" Bucky exclaimed, glaring at Sam.

Sam suddenly turned to Buck aggressively. "What?" He asked angrily, shoving the soldier.

Bucky's eyes turned from innocent to pissed off. "Don't fucking push me!" He exclaimed, shoving Sam back.

Clint looked between the two urgently. "Guys guys... you shouldn't fight with little Pete in the room..." He said with a nervous laugh.

The two didn't seem to hear him. Sam suddenly threw a fist at Bucky's face, in which a Buck caught it and twisted his arm back. Sam let out a grunt, then drove his other fist into Bucky's stomach, knocking the air out of the solider.

Peter whimpered, dropping from the wall onto the floor. Clint rushed over to the boy, lifting him up in his arms. "How about we go see if Steve and Tony are done with your room, yeah?" He offered in a small childish voice, walking swiftly towards the doorway.

Suddenly Sam was shoved right into Clint, knocking the archer down with Peter in his arms. They all fell to the floor, then immediately turned to Peter. The boy scrunched up his face, sniffed, whined, then began to scream and cry.

"No no no!" Clint exclaimed, picking up Peter and pulling the little one into a hug. "It's okay!" He assured him in a high pitched voice.

Steve came rushing into the room, with Tony right behind him. The couple saw Clint with crying Peter in his arms, and immediately glared at the archer.

"It wasn't me!" Clint exclaimed. "Sam and Bucky got into a fight and Sam was shoved into me while I tried to escape with Peter!"

The two heads turned towards the fighting friends. Bucky looked at the floor. "We didn't do it on purpose!" Sam snapped at the couple.

"You two lost babysitting privileges!" Tony scowled as Steve lifted Peter up and began to rock the boy. Peter began to calm down in Steve's arms.

"Want to go see your new room?" Steve asked the child excitedly. "Come on Tony, let's show Peter his room!"

The scientist still looked frustrated, but then sighed and nodded with his boyfriend. The two made their way down the hall, stopping in front of a door that had a spider sticker on the front of it. Tony opened it, letting Steve and Peter go in before him.

The room was totally different from what it was like before. Two walls were painted red, the other two were blue. There was a red and black race car bed with spider blankets, and there was a white dresser with spider stickers plastered all over it. There was a mini blue trampoline in the corner, along with a giant red and blue beanbag right next to it. The toy box was white and red with web stickers on it. There was also a blue shelf filled with children's books.

"This is your bedroom!" Steve said enthusiastically, setting the boy on the ground. The child hobbled over to the bed, staring at the blankets.

"Spiwder!" Peter announced, pointing at the spider-like design.

"Oh my goodness! You're a genius!" Tony told the boy, lifting him into his arms. "You're my little genius, aren't you?"

"Yeah!" Peter squealed, feeling Tony's beard with his tiny hands.

"He loves your beard, just like I do," Steve commented.

A/N: I love Post Malone's new song "Goodbyes". Am I basic? Yes.

I hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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