Insane Doesn't Even Begin To Cover It... Chapter 57

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Chapter 57:

            “…Senna? Are you ready to go?” Caden asks, quietly, as he comes up behind me. Subconsciously, I shrink away from him, keeping my face turned towards the window. It’s my last day here… actually my last hour. My eyes are trained on the car out front, in the driveway. The one loading up my meager belongings, the car that is going to take me to my new home.

            “I.. don’t know.”  I sutter over the words a little, still getting used to my newfound speaking skills.

            “Baby, we’re leaving. You have to come on, everyone is waiting for you.” He puts an arm around my shoulders and gently turns me away from the window, towards him. A few small tears drip down my cheeks but I don’t bother wiping them away, instead keeping my face as stoic as possible.

            “Yeah.” I murmur, allowing him to lead me down the hallway and then the stairs. I can hear the voices of people as we get closer to the first floor, the sound getting louder as we go. However, as soon as we enter, it gets quiet.

            Everyone is looking at me, and my face flushes. Slightly with embarassment and slightly with anger. They’d never really payed this much attention to me before, why now?

            A few of the doctors nod towards me as I walk through them, and I just blink back at them. I have nothing to say. They were either rude or flat out mean to me during my stay, the nice ones left long before I began my recovery.

            The front doors get closer and closer, and I find myself shrinking towards Caden. We’re almost out of the building, when one of the doctors takes a step in front of me. I halt and pull back a little, looking up at him. It’s the head of the hospital.

            “Aren’t you going to stay around and say your goodbyes? I think it would be best for you to do that. Don’t you think?” His voice is very snake-like, conniving. I don’t want to trust him, I don’t want to stay. However, it almost seems like he’s prepared to make me stay.

            “Okay.” I say, monotone. Caden’s arm tightens around me as I turn, and obediently walk towards a few of the doctors. I say my hellos, and they politely respond. Mentally, I prepare myself for a long few hours of this.


            “I want to go.” I whisper to Caden, my head on his shoulder.

            “I know, love. I know. Come on.” He starts to usher me towards the front doors again, but the head of the hospital steps in the way again.

            “Just where do you think you’re going?” He says, a polite smile betraying his bitter tone of voice.

            “I am getting her out of here.” Caden snaps, also with a nice smile on his face.

            “I don’t think so.” He reaches a hand out to put on my arm but I jerk away, scowling.

            “I’ve had enough of you and this fucking hospital. Get out of my way before I make you. Senna wants to leave so we are leaving.” He hisses, as his grasp on my arm gets tighter – almost uncomfortable.

            The two stand there for a moment, analyzing each other in some sort of stand off. Finally, however, the doctor sighs and steps out of the way, gesturing slightly towards the door with his hand.

            “Thanks.” Caden says bitterly, and quickly urges me to the door, holding it open for me. I step out into the warm sunlight, and stand there for a minute basking in the heat. However, I don’t stay there long. I can already taste my freedom, can feel it buzzing through my veins.

            “Are you ready?” Caden asks, a huge smile on his face.

            “Yes.” I say, and he takes my hand. We walk forwards together, and he opens the car door for me. Becca is sitting in the front seat, having gotten in a few minutes before we did.

            “Are you ready?” She asks, and I nod at her as I get into the car, with Caden sliding in beside me. He closes the door and I get one last look at the hospital before the driver starts the car and backs up, turning around to go back down the lane towards the main road.

            I can’t help but turn around in my seat to look back towards the hospital, framed by it’s many trees, with random cars in the small parking lot off to the side. Eventually, Caden puts a hand on my arm and I turn around, back to him. There’s a small smile on my face and I grace him with one of my own, leaning my head on his shoulder.

            I’m free. I’m finally, actually, completely free.


Last chapter! Hope you liked it!

I might make an epilogue or even a small sequel, I haven’t decided yet.


Have a good day.

-          Lexi

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