Chapter 1- School Problems

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SCHOOL. When i hear that word i automatically think: Seven Crappy Hours of Our Lives!! 

That acronym is especially true when you are constantly surrounded by complete idiots. The torture is made even more unbearable because of the fact that Ethan and I don't attend the same school therefore, I am left alone to deal with all these imbeciles. Now put yourself in my position and try to envision witnessing your own horrible nightmare come to life...


That is how i felt when i woke up in Ethan's arm, after five hours of peaceful sleep. Then noticing the time is 7:30 hence I'm late makes me feel like staying in bed but knowing my mother that will never happen.

"Grace get your @ss up, or you’ll be late for school"

Think of the devil and she shall appear.

My mom's unnecessarily loud voice comes from right outside my bedroom door. It is only when i feel Ethan stir beside me did i realize that i wasn't suppose to have him over last night because today was school.

I flew out of the bed along with Ethan and grab my towel whilst whispering for him to leave out the window quickly while i go and take a bath.

I leave my room when I could no longer hear my mom's retreating footsteps. I go quickly to the bathroom and completely avoid looking in the mirror because i know if i do ill see the total mess I'm in.

I quickly strip out of my short shorts and vest and step into the shower. I spend the next fifteen minutes dancing around, as the warm water cascades down my body washing away the reminders of that nightmare, and singing, very loudly, Becky G's Shower.

I finally come out the shower and wrap the towel around my now wet body. By the time I enter my green and purple bedroom Ethan had already left through the window. I walked into my closet to find my school uniform. I placed my navy blue A-line skirt on the bed along with my white shirt and red and black tie.

It’s only then i noticed a piece of paper neatly place on my pillow. Upon further inspection I noticed it was a note written in Ethan’s hand writing, he must have written it before he left.

The Note:

G, thanks for the fun day yesterday,

Remember when you’re ready to talk I’m here for you ALWAYS

P.S Nice hairdo U look cute ;) <3

I ran to my dresser mirror to inspect my hair and yes it was in a mess, my hair was in two pigtails with most of my hair out of it and nut together. I couldn’t help but read the note again and laugh.

Still in my towel I do my hair into a neat one with a messy bun at the top then I proceeded to put on my clothing. By the time I’m finished its 8:10, School started at 7:45.

I run downstairs grab a banana as I pass through the now empty kitchen, my mom left for work after she woke me up so I was left to lock up the house and go to school.

The walk to school seemed like it was never going to end. I purposefully took the longer way not because I am a rebel and like to reach to school when I want but because I know the later I reach the less time I have to spend in that hell whole with those idiots.

I walk into school and sign the late book and make my way towards my locker to get my books for class.

Grace’s Schedule

Period 1 –  History

Period 2 – History


Period 3 – Mathematics


Period 4 – Principle of Business (P.O.B)

Period 5 – French

School over 2:35 p.m.

By the time I get my books and head to class it was already 9:00 a.m. From the second I walked into my class I felt all eyes on me. I ignored them, as usual, and walked up to my History teach Ms.Bookaram.

She is your typical history teacher; glasses perched perfectly on her nose with a neat bun seated on the top of her head like a crown and of course the pants suit.

As I approach her desk she looks at me with that famous look of hers I ignore it and proceeded to tell her why I’m late, well my version, “Good morning Ms. I’m so sorry for being late but I had an appointment with the gynecologist. ”

At that statement her whole facial expression automatically changed, to one of shock, “Okay Grace take your seat and get the notes from one of the other students,” the way she said it had me thinking that she knows I don’t talk to any of the students therefore I shall not get the note.

I quietly walk to my seat next to the window in the back of the class and look out the window to the clouds and let my thoughts consume me until the bell brings me back to the present day.

The rest of my classes went pretty much the same way, girls watching me, giving me dirty looks and commenting on my hair and other unimportant things while I completely ignore them and let me thoughts of school finishing and seeing Ethan consume me.

At lunch I went to the back of the school to the “old Library” with my lunch and text Ethan.


S- Heya I loved your note it made me laugh so hard

E – Ha-ha thanks you did look cute so I thought I’d just point it out

S- Why thank you good sir you are to kind

E - No problem Madame the pleasure is mine

S – Hehe you are crazy you know that :p

E – We have been best friends since birth and you are now figuring this out??

S - *rolls eyes* quit being a smart @ss

E – You know you love me when I’m one so why shall I stop??

S – Fine you’re right but just because I like it doesn’t mean you have to abuse it Sir Ethan

End Of Conversation

As I hit send the bell goes off, back to the same routine again. The rest of the day went by in a blur and I was all but running out the class to get to the park before Ethan and I would have succeeded if wasn’t for my last period teacher calling after me.

Usually I would have simply pretend not to hear and continue on my way but something in her tone made me pause and go to her.

“Yes Ms. Franchisor,” I say sounding a little impatient because I was.

“Grace, I’ve been noticing a change in your attitude and behavior these past few weeks and I’m a little worried,” she pause as if waiting for me to say something, when all she receives is a blank stare she continues, “ You have dropped in your school work, you don’t pay attention in any of your classes,” I open my mouth to reply but she cuts me off by stating, “and before you ask yes I spoke to your other subject teachers about this, we are all worried about you. Grace if you have any problems or issues or concerns you know you can come to us right?”

The worry shining in her eyes had me looking away while mumbling “yes, I know” and falling silent.

After a few seconds of silence I hear her sigh a defeated sigh and replies, “ You may go, But Grace remember it’s never good to keep things inside, it always finds a way out and it may not necessarily be a way you like.”

I walk out the class and out the school, all thoughts about Ethan and the park out of my head.

Ms. Franchisor’s words keep playing over and over in my head.

I found it hilarious that she thought I would confide in a teacher when everyone knows they are the most judgemental people and just wants to know your business to gossip about you behind your back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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