Late Nights

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The type of female that will consume your mind 24/7 with feelings that will shoot anyone down like a mack eleven...
up late again this is the third night in a row but she stays on my mind from head to toe every night from 12 to 5 am...I need her should be here with me the long distance is a hindrance make me think love is full of ignorance because of the foul play.
I've been crushing on you for as long as I can remember so anything you want say the word and your word is as good as heard.
I dont just want to devour your body but but your mind and soul also feeds my hunger... I'd rather be laid up with you with candles lit and a saxophone playing the smoothest riffs...your hand on my chest my hand on your ass deep love cuddle vibes the type of love that equips me for the long distance ride.
I see that your torn and I see that you adore me as much as I adore you so let me through let me run to you these up late shindigs are nerve wracking your like bruhman from the fifth floor appear and uo and leave packing bags leaving without alerting any flags...
Up late again... with those deep thoughts of you late night

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