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It was all so unreal for her to think of Ivan as just her "brother". She always clearly remembered her brother was a caring man. He was the friendliest face out in the cold world to her, her knight in shining armor. And for a long time it seemed that way.

But it began to become more serious between the two. She knew that a new feeling was brewing through her system, setting her heart aflame, something that was subtle to the Russian at first. He really was the kindest man she ever met, the man who would protect his little sister, and understand her pain. And for this, she wanted him all to herself at any cost. She badly wanted that feeling in her heart, and the love from Russia. But before she knew it, it all slipped away from her fingertips. Her brother turned his back, and drew his line. The rest was a blurred mess.

And from the day on forth, she never saw the sun again. That's when it began to snow. And it was never going to stop.

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