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Trigger warning: Mention of Sexual Abuse
"It's just for a day, it'll be fine..."
Natalya stared up at Alfred with misty eyes, as her finger weaved their way through the handful of flowers in her palm.
"Why should we be ashamed that we're together?!" She demanded.
That word was harsh. Together. That made them sound like they were dating...
"If we go into public together, your brother is gonna skin my ass, knowing I was involved in your disappearance," Alfred explained, as he watched Natalya weave the gentle white daisies into a flower crown. The afternoon was gray and gloomy, yet peacefully warm. The two friends sat under a tunnel of trees, resting atop a patch of grass, daisies and dandelions snaking their way out from the earth. It felt like it was gonna rain any minute now. Alfred figured that was the case. Nonetheless, the two went out into the forest once again.
This was the first cloudy day in a while. Natalya had officially been here for two weeks. And those two weeks were slowly proving to be much more fun, as Natalya opened herself up to them, and they enjoyed each other's company. It was starting to become therapeutic for him, taking long hikes in silence with her like this. He never paid much attention to nature as he wished...but things were different now.
"Why can't we just tell brother we resolved our conflict from the last meeting and happen to be friends? It's not susceptible at all!" Natalya protested, finishing her final touches upon the flower crown.
"It's for the best Bela," America sighed, watching as Natalya gently scooted forward and placed the crown of daisies atop his golden locks of hair.
He smiled up at it, and back at her. She didn't return the smile.
"Hey, it's pretty, I like how it turned out," Alfred beamed, reaching up to touch the delicate petals.
Natalya only glared down at the ground and sighed. She was clearly disappointed the two would be separated at the meeting.
This meeting was the last major one of the year before the summer, and everything had to go just right. America had a reputation to withhold, as every country was going to be there to discuss the biggest political problems and economic fixtures of the year.
Alfred knew without a doubt him and Natalya would be heavily judged if they were seen together.
Especially after her little stunt back at the last meeting.
"Maybe, just maybe..." Alfred murmured to himself. Natalya looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
Alfred thought to himself for a moment and smiled up at her. "Maybe we could go out after for dinner or something."
Natalya stared wide eyed at him, blush springing upon her cheeks and ears. "Like...a date?" She asked hopefully, tangling her hands amongst the grass.
Thoughts pounded furiously in his head. A date? God, were they even ready for that? Who was he kidding, he'd never be ready to go on that forsaken promised date.
Yet...he had promised her this. And he knew if he deprived her of that, things wouldn't end very well.
"Uhm...u-uh yeah sure, maybe," Alfred stuttered, his head spinning as his surroundings felt as if they were to cave in on him at any moment.
Friends, they were friends, he had to make sure it stayed that way. The date had to be not even a bit romantic.
Yeah...that'd work.
Natalya gave him that sickly sweet smile that always made him taste honey in the back of his mouth. He didn't know why...
"You won't regret it," Natalya promised, beaming happily at him.
This didn't feel right. He promised her a date he wasn't interested in. He didn't have feelings for her, and he didn't plan on catching any...
"R-right," Alfred mumbled, falling backwards onto the grass onto his back.
Against the rays of immaculate sunshine, Natalya's eyes glimmered as if they were expensive jewels. He was drawn toward it, as she crawled closer to him, sitting behind his head, and touching his hair gently. A song bird's tune whistled through the wind, lavender and a hint of pine in the air. He stayed still as she stared down at him and played with his thick locks of hair beneath the bright yellow crown of flowers atop his head.
Her massaging touch made Alfred's eyes droop, his whole body becoming fuzzy and warm. Her touch was slowly getting warmer and warmer with each passing day. Was it the change of weather, or her heart finally starting to thaw out?The thought of her colorful soul being freed from her icy prison made him blush with content.
She was coming along just fine.
Alfred opened his eyes and was met with the tickling touch of Natalya's hair, just barely touching his nose.
He slowly reached up and felt the silky strands of hair through his finger tips.
Natalya flinched and scooted back, her touch on him tightening with fear.
Alfred sat up and look back at her in confusion. "Sorry Bela, was that too sudden?" America asked, reaching out to touch her shoulder. She avoided his gaze and bit her lip. "It's fine, America," she whispered. "I just don't like people touching my hair..."
Alfred gazed at her, very puzzled. "Why? You have hair that anyone would long to touch."
He didn't understand what he said that provoked her, but he set her off either way.
She sprung to her feet, her gentle red dress swirling around her, as she pulled a knife out suddenly. Alfred scooted back in utter fear as she gripped it with shaking hands. Seizing a handful of hair that spilled down her shoulders, Natalya held the knife to her platinum locks, and cut through them aggressively. Alfred jumped to his feet and grabbed her arm.
As her hair tumbled onto the grass, Alfred tugged at the hand that held the knife. "What the hell?" Alfred gasped, as she fought against his grip.
He wanted her to stop this sudden madness before she regretted this decision. It was an easy win, he was so much stronger than her. Yet, he was loosening his grip on her hand, until he finally let go in defeat.
He could only watch as Natalya took the knife to the rest of her hair, cutting it off violently.
A circle of hair surrounded her, as she finished cutting a final chunk of hair from her shoulder.
Dropping the knife to the ground, she closed her eyes and held back tears. Her once long and elegant hair was now short and messy, unevenly cut at her neck, barely touching her shoulders.
"Natty...?" America breathed.
Belarus gently sunk down onto the grass, clutching to what was left of her hair.
She felt around the ground for the knife once again, and seizing it with a shaking hand.
Alfred stepped even closer, and bent down, grabbing the knife from her fingers.
She didn't put up a fight this time.
Alfred squeezed the knife in his palm, pocketing in his jeans.
"Don't touch it...please..." Natalya whispered, squeezing her palms into fists. "I don't want anyone to touch my hair..."
Alfred kneeled down in front of her, a scared gaze still spread upon his face. "I'm sorry," he apologized. That's all he could manage to say, how pathetic.
That same look of guilt and fear upon her face felt ever so familiar.
Sickeningly familiar. That same look that fell upon a glint of metal. A glint of a pipe.
He felt himself shake at the memory, that purple aura around that lumbering figure who tore into her clothes, undressing her.
Alfred wanted to suppress that memory more than ever. Him hiding against the wall, glancing around the corner as he marked Natalya's bare skin with blood and bruises. That same hold on her hair that Alfred had, twirling it in his fingers.
"Let this be a mark, a reminder if you will," that dark figure whispered, walking away from the deed he had done.
Now he understood.
Ivan had done his damage then.
The strands of her hair now strewn across the grass were once held in her worst moments that day.
And he could do nothing as a "hero".
His throat ran dry, and he tried to push the words out. Alfred couldn't even manage a simple sentence...
He could only get back onto his feet and kneel behind Natalya.
Slipping the knife from his pocket, Alfred held an uneven strand of hair in his fingers. He brought the knife to the strand and sliced it off. He worked along her neck, cutting at uneven strands, fixing Natalya's messy haircut. With each strand falling onto the ground, he felt as if he were relieved for her.
That hair was once touched by a man she trusted, who took away her innocence. What kind of brother could that? Who could sexually harass and assault his own sister...?
It was downright disgusting.
Trimming the last of the strands, Alfred brushed stray hairs from Natalya's shoulders and neck.
Her still shiny platinum hair barely kissed her shoulders, waving against the wind.
Neck-length hair somehow suited her....
He clasped her shoulder and leaned toward her ear.
"He's gone..." America whispered. He gently carcasses her hair. She let him touch her hair....
"You look really pretty Natty."
He placed the knife on the grass and reached for a small violet colored flower. He plucked it from the grass and tucked it behind her ear.
Natalya's eats turned a gentle hue of red, as she turned around to meet Alfred's gaze.
Her eyes were misty with tears, but a bitter sweet smile were pulled up on her lips.
His heart swelled and a Alfred couldn't breathe.
She was downright gorgeous, her smile unmasking the cold and merciless person she used to be portray herself as.
He felt feelings control his thoughts, as he reached for the knife once again, and held a messy strand of his own on the back of his neck. He cut if off, drawing a surprised gasp from Natalya.
America smiled down at her as he proceeded to cut at his shaggy bangs and sideburns.
He felt the knife touch his skin, blood gently shining against the sun, as he finished trimming at his own locks of hair.
He laid the knife down, grinning at Natalya.
She stared at the small cut on his cheek from cutting his bangs, then at his now shorter hair.
He reached for her hand and squeezed it.
"Both of us have baggage to cut off, trust me," he assured her.
The two could only stare at each other, worlds colliding.
Natalya yawned, rubbing at her eyes, tugging her shiny black suitcase behind her.
Alfred and her had just landed minutes ago, now pushing through the crowd of people flooding the gate.
As unfortunate as it was, the meeting was starting in only an hour. Talk about a long day....
The two could walk side by side until they reached the end of the gate...
Then they had to part ways, to ensure they couldn't be seen together. Natalya knew she would hate every second of her departure from her loved one.
Well, it was one sided....
Her heart raced as they finally reach the end of the gate, sunlight hitting her eyes. Alfred sported his ever so familiar tan suit and bomber jacket, rolling a bright red suitcase behind him. He paused for a moment to lean back, stretching his back.
"God, that flight really killed my spine," he sighed, cracking his knuckles and rolling his head around, stretching out knots in his muscles.
She rolled her eyes and sighed. It was only a 5 hour flight. The two had flown in from Philadelphia to Washington state.
She knew he had much worse flights in his time as a country.
Alfred places a palm on her shoulder and beamed a blinding smile at her. "Guess this is where we part ways then, Natty!"
Belarus stared up at him with a sad glance and brushed away his touch.
"Yeah..." she mumbled, slowly walking away from Alfred, without a single word. She knew she was being stubborn, but she was angry with his decision. Did he honestly have too much pride to be seen with her?
As she walked through the airport, she reminded herself otherwise. She knew that if the two were seen together, Ivan would figure out that Alfred was responsible for her disappearance. He had explained this many times...
Hopefully, this meeting wouldn't be too long. Acting like she could give less of a shit about Alfred was going to be near impossible at this point. Her heart longed for him and her emotions and feelings swelled at the thought of being apart from him. Belarus pushed open the glass doors and out into the afternoon air. Cars and taxis zoomed across the street, the sidewalk littered with people weather arriving or departing from the airport.
She stared off into the road, planning on flagging down a taxi.
I'm the distance, trees were scattered about next to the road, an American flag proudly waving from a pole.
Geese flew in flocks through the bright blue sky, hardly any clouds there to block out the shimmering sun.
She saw a stereotypical yellow taxi him down the road, and flagged it down, waving her hand at the driver. The driver pulled up next to the sidewalk, the car coming to a halt.
The driver opened his door and walked around onto the sidewalk. The man was short and slightly stout, with messy black locks of hair combed back, sporting a red button up polo and jeans.
He approached Natalya and gestured at her bag.
She nodded and wheeled it onto the street, as he opened the trunk for her. Belarus threw her suitcase in and let the driver slam the trunk shut, walking to the passenger seat and opening it for her. She sat down and closed the door as the driver entered the car in the driver's seat once again.
"Where to, ma'am?" he asked, turning on his phone for the GPS coordinates.
"Washington State Convention Center," she said in a flat tone.
The driver grinned at her, pulling out from the curb and driving off into the street.
"Ah, you must be mighty important if you're going there. I've heard there's a big meeting going on there today. It's closed from the public."
"Yes..." Natalya sighed, trying to ignore his attempt at conversation. Sensing her sharp tone, he turned back to the wheel and stayed quiet, the drone of the air conditioner making up for lost conversation.
She watched as trees flew by, few clouds drifting along with her in the sky.
Her nerves tightened as she caught a reflection of herself in the window.
Her now short hair was straightened, a blue bow sitting atop her head. She knew she would get a barrage of questions from her siblings and the Baltic's about the sudden change in appearance.
She knew the plan she simply had to respond the way Alfred told her if they asked where had been for the past three weeks.
"I needed a break from the drama between me and big brother. I didn't want to be contacted, so I simply stayed off the grid for a while."
It seemed oddly seedy, but if Alfred thought that would convince them, she'd give it a try.
The taxi driver pulled over at the curb, gently stopping in front of the convention center. Towers of windows stared back at her, the many pillars and beams shining against the afternoon sun. All of her nerves churned in her stomach, as she got out from the car and went for the trunk to retrieve her luggage. After an exchange of money and a cold goodbye, she stood at the entrance in absolute fear.
Her legs were shaking beneath her, as she reached for the doorknob, throwing the door open.
The click of her Mary Jane heels echoed through the lobby against the tiles, as she headed for the elevator.
Before she could press the up button, she heard an ever so familiar voice.
"Bela, darling, there you are!"
She turned around, and was met with her big sister's beam.
Happiness swelled in her chest, but she remained emotionless.
"Hello sister," she simply said.
Ukraine pulled her into a bear hug, squeezing the living day lights out of her. "You scared me shitless!" She exclaimed, letting go of her, as the elevator door opened.
The two sisters stepped into the elevator, Natalya still wheeling her black suitcase behind her.
Ukraine stared at Natalya's hair and gasped. "Oh my. You cut your hair!" She marveled, reaching out to ruffle her hair.
Natalya swatted her away and nodded.
"I wanted to change my look," she simply said, as the doors closed.
"Does this have to do with you disappearing?" Katyusha asked, reaching over to press the 17th floor button.
"Or...with your freak out situation with America?"
The whirl of the elevator as it moved up left the two in silence. Natalya felt as if her insides were to implode from how much her stomach was churning with anxiety.
The plan. She had to go along with the plan Alfred addressed her with.
But she was her sister...
"Yes..." Natalya responded in a low ashamed voice.
Ukraine widened her eyes and seized her by the shoulders. "Where were you then?!"
She couldn't lie to Katyusha. She just couldn't....
"I was with America..." Natalya whispered.
Katyusha dropped her jaw. "Why Belarus?! You know brother would be furious with you!"
Natalya stared up at Ukraine and sighed. "Please sister...please don't tell brother-"
Ukraine grabbed Natalya into a short hug and frowned at her. "I won't tell him for your sake. Only if you tell me why you were with him?"
Natalya's heart pounded in her chest, and she felt dizzy.
"We-we are friends now," Natalya stated, the word still foreign on her tongue. Ukraine glanced at her in utter shock. "You guys are friends again?! Like you were in 1991?!" She gasped.
"No," Natalya mumbled. "It's different now..."
Natalya stared down at the ground, blush sprinting across her cheeks and ears. His name was so much more appealing now than ever.
"You love him...don't you?" Ukraine whispered, patting Natalya on the back. She looked up at Katyusha. "How did you know?" Natalya asked.
Katyusha laughed. "I think it's obvious from what happened the last meeting," she said, brushing a bang behind her sister's ear for her.
"And...what do you think about it?" Natalya questioned, in a shaky voice, as the elevator stopped, the doors sliding open.
"I think it's valid. But be careful with him. You know he's capitalist." Katyusha explained, lowering her voice as they stepped out from the elevator.
Natalya gawked at Ukraine, as she winked at her, walking past her into the hall.
Did she really just tell Ukraine what she wasn't supposed to say?! And did she just promise not to tell?!
Natalya mumbled to herself angrily as she followed Katyusha down the hall of doors, until they reached the end.
A single black door with a silver handle stood in front of them, the large window next to them casting an almost eerie light onto it. She was nervous to see the Baltic states and her brother again.
Most of all, she wasn't prepared for what people would think of her now ever since the last meeting.
Katyusha leaned over and pecked her sister on the cheek, as if to assure her everything was alright.
"Take a deep breath," Katyusha assured her, rubbing her back. "Just get through this meeting best you can, then you can go to your Romeo. I'll take care of Brother, I promise."
Natalya reached for the door handle and pushed open the door.
The room was flooded with chatter, many countries sitting around a ginormous round table. A large projector with talking points was at the front of the room, ready to be set up once the meeting began.
Everything felt...surprisingly normal.
Italy was whining to Germany as always, Prussia was whizzing around the room, being chased by an angry Hungary wielding her famous frying pan, and England was feeding with France, insulting him and his "frog" face.
Natalya sighed in relief and followed close behind her sister to the Baltic side of the round table.
And there he was in all his terrifying glory. Big Brother Russia.
He sat comfortably, trying to strike up friendly conversation with a shuttering Estonia. Behind him cowards Lithuania and Latvia, muttering and whispering amongst themselves.
Lithuania caught Natalya in his eye sight, and spring up, cheerfully smiling at her.
"N-Natalya! I'm relieved to see that you're safe!" He grinned, running over to greet the Belarusian.
Belarus felt irritation bubble through her veins as he tried to hug her.
She brought a hand to his cheek and slapped him. "Mind your space," she growled.
Lithuania rubbed his cheek and gently blushed at her laughing. "Y-yes of course! We're just so happy that you came!"
Suddenly, Russia trotted up behind Lithuania, staring daggers into Natalya.
"Now this is quite the sight to see," he mumbled, forcing a grin.
"Where were you sister? We were worried for you're safety."
She knew he could give less of a shit. She could see it in her eyes.
Before she could open her mouth to be sour with him, Ukraine cut her off. "She went to go stay up on her own in the Swiss Mountains," Katyusha lied. "She wanted to calm herself down from all the drama with America."
Russia frowned at his sisters. "I hope then that you are over that slob, and are adjusted back to normal," he sighed.
Natalya could only nod.
Ivan suddenly stepped forward and pointed at her hair. "You cut your hair," he said in a low voice. "Now why would you do that?"
Natalya gulped and pulled herself together. "I simply did not want to deal with my long hair anymore. It's as simple as that." She explained.
Ivan glared at her coldly, as of icicles hung from his skin.
"I don't like it. You look better in long hair. You shouldn't be making reckless decisions like this."
Her bubble boiled and she clenched her fists.
She had had absolutely enough of him. First he had went on to insult her dear America once again, then order her around.
She had to contain her emotions or else she'd be in a world of trouble.
"Excuse me for a moment," she growled, pushing past Ivan.
She had to go somewhere, anywhere. Natalya just needed a moment to cool off before the meeting began.
A door off to the side caught her attention. She read the sign "break room" and she quickly tore across the floor, seizing the handle and slipping inside.
As soon as the she closed the door, she was met with his shiny blue eyes.
"Shit! Natalya what are you doing in here?!"
Natalya jumped at the sight of Alfred. She had totally just messed up their plan.
Alfred could see the distress in her face, and he reached out to touch her shoulder. "Hey it's fine, no one is in here right now."
Belarus loosened her shoulders and sighed in relief.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd be in here," she whispered,
Alfred shrugged it off. "It's fine, we have some time to kill before the meeting anyways."
America turned back around and focused on a small saucer on the table.
Natalya studded toward him and peaked over his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" Natalya asked.
Alfred grinned at her and giggle childishly. "I wanted to pull a little prank on Iggy before this long ass meeting. He loves putting a load of sugar in his tea. I need something to do."
He stared down at the saucer along with two shakers full of white powers.
"I don't know which one to choose though. Should I do baby powder or salt?"
Natalya felt her insides swell up with warmth, and she cracked a smile. "Do salt," she responded.
She felt herself calm down finally. His presence just did the job perfectly.
Alfred grinned and reached for the salt shaker, and unscrewing, pouring it into the saucer labeled 'sugar'.
Alfred snickered as he put a lid on the saucer. Natalya couldn't help but gently smile at his childish. Such a free spirit.
The two suddenly jumped when the door knob behind them turned. Alfred quickly grabbed Natalya and dived behind one of the couches.
In the room walked their intended victim, Arthur Kirkland. Not far behind him, was the blabbering Frenchman.
Natalya felt herself melt into Alfred's body as the two huddled against each other, trying their best to hide.
"I mean I'm just saying," France complained as Arthur mumbled to himself, strutting over to the counter and reaching up into one of the cabinets for a teacup.
"I'm sorry to say Francis, but your question, 'can you toot so hard that your testicles blow up?' is hardly logical," Arthur snapped, turning on the stove and putting a kettle of water atop it. Francis grumbled and went to slap England's ass.
Arthur saw him out of the corner of his and threw a knee into his gut. France tumbled back, and sported his famous laugh.
"Don't make this sexual!" Arthur exclaimed, as France got to his feet and eyed Arthur's butt once again.
"Oh please, you should be honored that I admire your behind, mon ami," Francis giggled.
Arthur growled. "You're only messing with me France, don't say nonsense such as that."
The kettle screamed at Arthur, and he lifted it off the stove and onto the counter.
America buried his face in Natalya's neck, suppressing laughs and snorts.
"Your ass is the only nice feature you have," France sighed, watching Arthur pour himself the hot water, then dunk a tea bag into the cup.
"Bloody hell, where's the sugar?" England grumbled to himself. Looking around the room.
Natalya covered America's mouth, not daring to breathe. Arthur finally laid eyes upon the fake sugar and reached for it.
"I suggest you bug off and irritate someone else," Arthur scowled, dipping a spoon into the saucer and mixing it into his tea. Three teaspoons later, he placed the spoon down and held the cup in his hand, a pinky lifted up to show his "manners".
"But it's fun teasing you," Francis whined.
"Well I don't enjoy it a single bit."
Arthur took a giant and annoyed sip of his tea. His eyes popped in his skull and he spit the contents out. The tea splattered Francis' clothes. France helped at the scolding hot tea soaking into his skin.
England lost his temper and lunged for France's neck, strangling him. "You bloody git!" He exclaimed, shaking Francis about.
America couldn't take it anymore. From under Natalya's hand, he let out a loud snort followed by a bellowing laugh.
England whipped around and let go of Francis, storming toward the noise.
He met America's gaze angrily. "You wanker!" Arthur bellowed, ready to slap the American. But his eyes landed upon Natalya.
He stayed frozen in his stance.
Francis was in the same petrified state.
"Belarus!?" France and England exclaimed in unison.
Natalya felt herself tighten up, her gut dropping.
She knew this wasn't a good idea.....
Hey germs, sorry if this was a bit of a wait. School is a lot right now, especially in my symphonic, orchestra, and marching band class. Online school fucking blows ahahahahahahahah
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my long chapter, if it even makes sense :')
Anyways PLEASE KEEP SENDING IN IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS, I used an idea from someone in the last chapter so thank you for that!
Whelp, I'll see you next time! In the mean time stay safe and healthy 💙

Porcelain FaceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ