Chapter 2 - I Feel Like No One Could Feel

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Damn Pete and that... smile.

After a while, he had just worn him down – and now, Tin stood in a short line in front of the club with Pete and that oaf, Ae. You wouldn't expect a club behind the faded colours of this old former hotel building.

In the waiting line, he saw that the club's name was actually Planets. It was an interesting name... but Tin had still no interest in being here.

Pete had argued that he could have a drink at the club just like anywhere else, that he wouldn't have to involve himself in anything, if he didn't want to – and the closer they were to the door, the more excited Pete got over the idea of witnessing this Master Whatshisname in a live demonstration.

Just when they had finally passed the bouncers, Tin was confronted with another surprise, that Pete had apparently forgotten to tell him about. Tin actually believed Pete that he hadn't thought to tell him, because he hadn't really considered it.

That was Pete.

Instead of just a normal coat check at the entrance, there was almost something resembling a changing room, where guests were busy sheading items of clothing, and putting on others. A few workers of the club in various stages of undress and body decorations were ushering everyone through, making sure all the excessive clothes were stored orderly and attributed to the right owners.

"You could have told me that I'd have to take my clothes off, Pete."

"You don't," Pete deadpanned on him, "I don't take anything off, either. It's completely optional."

In fact, the only change in Pete's attire was that the somewhat discreet choker around his neck was replaced by an obvious collar that Ae had brought with him.

"Ae doesn't like it when I display myself for other people to see – and neither do I. He only likes to show off his marks of ownership."


Could Pete even hear himself talk?

If Tin looked around, there were a lot of men and women who were owned here, if he understood the collars correctly. What even was this?

A slave market?

Why was Pete so happy about that?

While Tin handed his coat over to one of the half-naked collared ladies working the coat check, he could see Pete being pressed against the wall and kissed by Ae, who then moved in to mark him with a hickey just below his ear, at the spot where the collar and his bare skin met.


Somewhere, something deep inside of Tin stirred, just a little, a sting of jealousy. It had been a while since he had kissed someone, and even longer since he had meant it, the way these two clearly meant it. Tin hadn't been sincere about a kiss since he had been a teenager at the very least.

Maybe not even then.

As much as he was ostensibly cynical about stupid lovey-dovey people showing their affection for each other – something in his heart... wanted.


No, this was utterly absurd. He didn't want that. Affectionate kisses were for teenagers and lovable dorks like Pete and... Ae, as hard as it was for Tin to admit, Ae, too.

"Let's go in."

Tin flinched when Pete had suddenly reappeared next to him, his gentle smile replaced by a glowing, almost blindingly happy one.

Damn, he must be really tired to zone out like that on Pete. Tin never zoned out usually.

He took a deep breath.

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