I took the USB tentatively as if it was my most prized possession, in a way it was. I was surrounded by a damp cafe wall, with only my humble inventions and computer ,so this top-of-the-line invention was invaluable. It might have be humanities last hope! I turned on my blue tinted Python run computer. I logged in with the password "KillJeb" . It launched in a matter of seconds, I hastily plugged the smooth USB into one of the ports and opened the devices' drive.
In it a few junk folders were in it such as "Plans for Java" Or "Core Functions" But the one I was really interested in was the file that read "Shadow Drive" . I gently double clicked the file and caressed my leather jacket as it loaded. A schematic pulled up with the Physical and Virtual location, just what I had hoped for! I copy and paste some information on a .wrd file and then close it. I whisk away at the DOS command prompt typing up scripts and gaining access.
*Virtual POV*
I duck my head as a spider comes over me picking it's feelers in the passage and making sure that nothing is out of place. I kick away a few whimsy anti-software drones as I look around. I'm in a passageway going three ways, one leads to a dump bank, another leads to the backup-drive, but the one I'm looking for is the narrow passageway. I cautiously walk down the passageway and look what's ahead. Great! Just what I need, an Airgapped Data Bank. Airgapped files are when a file leads on to an inaccessible (or so they say) area. Only top payers get Airgapped files, so this is just what I'm looking for. I make an interior connection and a very slim tightrope appears connecting the two separated hallways.
The connection quickly disappears though. "OH!" I say "How could I have been so stupid? I'm using a Python computer, this was bound to fail! I quickly weave an automatic translator into my script, I try again, and success! A narrow, now blue, passageway opens up between the hallways, and I walk forward. I smell dank slimy rot, but I dismiss it. The thing I don't dismiss is when I'm grasped by a slimy tentacle I run for it but, the screen flickers and...
*Jamie POV*
I leap for the USB and eject it from my now infected computer before it can die along with the rest of my files. "%^$% &^ &*^ $#@^% virus!" I scream "God! Now I have to go out and find a python computer, where am I going to find one of those?" I curse myself as I realize where I will find one of those... The Dump. The dump was where the cyborgs took all of the Linux, Hitatchi, Mac, and Python computers, because they didn't run on Python code. A shiver runs down my back as I imagine the place, filled with dead bodies, run down cyborgs and computers. i have a hundredth of a chance that I will find one. "I have to try, atleast there's no point in life if humans don't get freedom!" I convince myself.
What do you guys think so far? -Malwareman
The Java Apocalypse
Science FictionThey didn't mean to do it, but what happened happened. In the year 3254 Java Script was the main coding language that controlled various networks and devices wreaking havoc everywhere! Jamie is trying to find the rumored Java Databank. The only prob...