Chapter 2

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Kirishima's POV
Holy Shit. HOLY SHIT. H O L Y S H I T. That was Ground Zero... in the flesh! I've been listening to his music since he made his debut. I can't believe I actually just met him! How did I act so calm?!

Somehow, he was a lot hotter in person. When he was walking away with his friends, I couldn't help but watch as he walked. He's even got a nice ass! At the last second though, he turned to look at me and we made eye contact.

I quickly tore my gaze away from him before I could genuinely end up staring at him. I waited a couple seconds before looking back over to him to see that he was walking away to catch up with his friends.

I don't know about him, but that millisecond of eye contact was so embarrassing for me. Of course I got caught. Just my luck.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked a familiar voice. I jumped at the sudden intrusion of silence.

"Oh, Midoriya! You scared me."

"S-sorry, I swear I didn't mean to! I just came to tell you that your shift's over." I looked down at the mandatory watch around my wrist to see that it was 9pm. Already? "H-hey Kirishima?" I heard Midoriya mumble.


"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what were you looking just a minute ago?"

Ground Zero.

"Oh, nothing! I was just... spaced out," I replied. I don't think he bought it, but he didn't bother asking about it. That's one thing I really liked about Midoriya. He didn't pry. He always knows when to just let it go. He's a really good friend for that. "Well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Mido!"

"Have a nice night Kiri!" He waved. I waved back, grabbed my things, and headed out on my walk back home. I would've drove, but I don't have enough money to own a car at the moment. It's nice to walk though. It gives me a chance to let my thoughts run wild without letting them distract me from something important.

I didn't live too far from the movie theater, which I was definitely thankful for. I'll be especially thankful once winter comes. Will I still freeze my ass off on my walk home? Yeah, most likely. But it wouldn't be as bad as if I had lived any further away.

I turned a few corners and walked about a block before I finally made it to my apartment. It was actually pretty nice for the amount that I was paying for rent.

There are seven floors in the building itself, but I live in a one bedroom apartment on the 5th floor. The best part about living here is the balcony. I conveniently live in a room that faces towards the street, so I get a nice view of the city.

I made my way up to my door, unlocking it and closing it behind me as I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once I finished my shower, I made myself a sandwich before heading off to bed. As I laid in the comfortable silky sheets, I let my final thoughts of the night run loose.

I really wish I could've at least stayed at work until Ground Zero's movie was over. Him and his friends looked really cool. I wonder if I could ever be friends with them... nah. They wouldn't want to be friends with a loser like me.

But I can't help but wonder if Ground Zero is thinking about me. I mean he did look back at me when he was taking his ticket. Maybe... that meant something. Or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself.

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier as the darkness was slowly consuming me. It wasn't too long before I had finally drifted off into a deep sleep.

But the thought of Bakugou was still gnawing at the back of my mind. Was he thinking of me, or was my brain playing dirty tricks on me? It wouldn't be the first time that my brain did me dirty anyway.

Bakugou POV
I've been thinking about the cashier this entire time, and this fucking movie is only halfway done. I can't get him out of my head. The way his nose crinkled a little bit when he smiled. The way his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. The way his shitty hair complimented his eyes. Don't even get me started on his bright ass smile and tiny scar on his eye. Not to mention the way his ass fit in those jeans... damn.

Should I ask for his number? No, that's weird. He was just doing his fucking job. That's why he was being so nice. But it doesn't change the fact that I want to see his damn face again.

~Time Skip~

The movie was finally over and I was growing increasingly more impatient to see him. So much so that it was a dead giveaway that I was in a hurry.

"Bakubro, why are you in such a rush? The movie literally just ended and you're already out of your seat. Do you have to pee or something?" Dunce Face asked. God, I want to punch him sometimes. Actually, scratch that. I want to punch him all the time.

I would've told the truth and said no, but then he would just keep pestering me about why I was in such a hurry. I can't let him know about the cashier. He would never fucking let me live that one down.

"Yeah I have to piss. Is there a problem with that, Dunce Face?"

"Nah man! I was just asking. Calm down."

"I am calm," I growled back at him. He put his hands up in defense, and before him or the others could question me, I turned on my heel and walked out to the hallway.

I'm pretty sure we saw the last show for the night, so the lobby was pretty much empty. I made my way towards the counter that I had first met that red haired hottie. But as I made my way closer, I realized he wasn't there anymore. Instead of red hair, I saw... green hair.


"Oi, Deku! When the fuck did you start working at a movie theater?" I called to him.

"K-Kacchan! It's good to see you. I picked up a part-time job here so I could pay for rent. Shouto and I got a place together," he beamed.

Him and Icyhot have been together since high school. I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little happy for the fuckers. Deku finally has someone else to follow around like a lost puppy.

He continued to talk, but I tuned him out. I was looking for that cashier, but I didn't see him anywhere.

Where the fuck did he go?


"What?!" I snapped at him. He doesn't flinch anymore when I snap at him like that, which kind of pisses me off. Whatever. Guess it just means that he isn't that big of a pussy anymore.

"What are you looking for?" Was it that obvious that I was looking for something? I really need to work on my fucking subtlety.

"No one," I replied bluntly. He raised his ugly eyebrow at me.

"Really? No one? I believe I asked if you were looking for something, not someone." He wiggled his eyebrows at me before I turned my head away. I slowly felt heat creeping it's way onto my cheeks. Damnit.

"It's no one! Shut your damn mouth!"

"What's no one?" I heard a voice behind me. Those imbeciles finally caught up to me, huh?

"None of your damn business!"

"Hey Midoriya!" Raccoon Eyes waved, completely ignoring my outburst.

"Hi Mina!" I forgot how much I'm actually starting to hate their voices. Always so damn cheery. It's too late for this.

"Whatever, it's getting late. I'm heading out." I heard collective goodbyes before I was finally alone and making my way back home.

The walk was wasn't too shitty. There was a nice warm breeze outside. I was oddly comfortable in the moment, but my comfort was soon ruined as the thought of the cashier popped up in my head.

Where did he fucking go? I was only gone for like two damn hours at most. Maybe he went home. Damnit.

I let the silence consume me again. But one question still protruded my mind above all others.

Will I get to see him again?

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