Chapter 3

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It was now 7:00am, and beastboy woke up and sat up. He stayed sitting for a few minutes. Then he remembered what happend last night. The two demons of hell. He thought it was just a dream. But it felt so real. He ignored it, so he left the bed as usual, and put on his gym attire. He then left and went through hallways to the the toilet. As he thought of the 'Dream', he realized raven on the other side, smiling like it was a conception that she knew she was gonna win. Or she thought. As she prepared to teleport, and give beastboy the usual 2 second head start, beastboy grinned as he ran at his full speed to the door. Within the head start he was in the toilet, with the door locked.

Beastboy was nearly as shocked as raven, due to his amazing speed. He managed to beat ravens teleportation. Then he thought how his speed increased in one night. He walked to the sink, and put his hands on it. He contemplated about. Maybe it was something he ate? His thoughts were broken, when he heard a loud smash, from His hands. He looked down to realise he put too much pressure on the ceramic. Of course beastboy was again, shocked.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and saw the demon behind him. He gasped and looked back. Nothing was there. It was silence for a moment, and as beastboy gay here himself together, he heard a knock.

"Gar? You good? Sounds like your having a bad time." Raven yelled through the door.

"I'm fine." He replied.

He quickly brushed his teeth and spat at what was left of the sink. The dream he had was no dream at all. It was the truth. Now he wanted to know the full potential of his power.

He left the bathroom, and saw raven waiting to go in.

"You took your time." She said.

"You might wanna be careful. The sink broke." He warned.

"Wait... what? How?" She said looking at it, evaporating the mess with her powers.

"I don't know." Beastboy said, quickly and annoyed.

"Are you okay? You sound... angry."

"I'm fine." He replied emotionelessly.

At that moment he thought about his friends, about How he had to leave them, and this thought changed beastboys personality instantly.

A few days past and beastboy discovered his abilities more. He was super strong, he could convince people into telling the truth, no matter what. His reaction timing was on point, and his hand to hand combat and gun skills improved dramatically. His agility was increased. He was also bullet proof and immortal.

It took beastboy the whole three days to get the fact thst he was immortal into his head. Obviously, he kept this a secret from every one. He wasn't planning on visiting hell anytime soon. Over the days, Beastboy matured, and his personality became very serious. He was like batman. The sudden change in beastboy didn't go unnoticed by his friends. And especially raven, who planned on asking him about it.

Another day passed, and everyone was sitting in the living room. It was quiet. Beastboy was sitting on the couch, thinking. Raven was watching him. Star fire and robin were reading the news paper together, and were definitley not flirting and kissing, while using the pages as a defensive wall of privacy. And cyborg was on his phone.

"Hey, gar?" Raven asked, as he looked at her. "Do you wanna tell me what's going on? With you?"

"What do you mean? I'm fine." He replied.

The whole team looked at the two.

"No, you're not. You've said that for the last 4 days. You aren't okay."

"I'm being for real. I'm fine." He said, irritated.

"See, that's what I'm talking about. Your always so serious and annoyed! Your not happy anymore." She replied sadly.

"Maybe I'm irritate because you keep asking me if I'm feeling okay a dozen times a day!"

"I'm trying to be a good friend!"

"Well, try harder, because all your being right now is annoying! You haven't done anything to me, except irritate me!"

"Maybe, I wouldnt be so annoying, if you'd open up, and stopped being a depressed bitch all the time." She said to him.

The whole team looked at each other, as beastboy and raven were now face to face.

"Really? I'm the one that needs to open up? You could've told yourself that a few years ago, when all you did was stay in your room, isolated, away from your friends!"

"Well at least I've opened my self up. All your doing right now is acting how you did when terra left your sorry ass, cuz you were never good enough for anyone. And even though nothing too bad has happ-"

"YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME THIS WAY!" beastboy unexpectedly shouted into ravens face, as his pupils glowed vivid red. Raven immedeatley regretted what she said, and she also was frightened when Beastboys eyes changed.

"Your eyes..." Raven said quitley.

"I'm going to take a flight to calm Down." Beastboy said loudly, as he left the room to the roof.

As he exited, he let his wings spread out. His beautiful wings. He turned around to see them on the reflection on the roof. What he saw horrified him. He hadn't taken them out since the doctor light incident. From a beautiful green shade of feathers, his wings were now scaly. They were green, and Dragon like. They had claws on the end of them, and on every point.

"I don't want to be a monster." He said to himself.

After seeing the most beloved part of himself stripped away from him, he couldn't bare it. He locked himself into his room for 5 days. In those five days he tried to convince him self that he had other good qualities. Like his muscular body. His only second most proudest part was a part he wasn't aloud to show most people. Yes, his penis. It was actually quite big. Over average, at 11 inches. But anyway, in the five days, everybody kept knocking his door, begging him to come out. He ignored them. But nobody can hide forever.

He left his room, on Friday morning, to have a shower, work out, and freshen up. He did all of that, and went To the Living room. No one was awake, so he  thought he would wait until the next person comes.

That next person was DRUM ROLL PLEASE...

There was silence for a few moments. It was broken.

"I'm very sorry about the other day." He said as he got up. "I didn't mean anything. Im- " he was cut off... by a hug from raven, who was nearly crying.

"Dont you never scare me like that again!" She said weakly.

Just then every one coincidently came to the Living room at the same time. Robin and star fire together. (I wonder why.) And cyborg by himself.

"BB? Your back. What the hell? You better get yo ass outta here befo' I give you a woopin'!" He said jokingly.

"Friend beastboy! You have returned from your room!" She said caging him in a bonecrushing hug.

"Beasboy. Welcome back-" Robin tried to say as he was cut off, by the alarm.

Who was it now?

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