Chapter 2.

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All the Titans flew across the skies of Jump City. As they got closer to their destination, they could see Dr light. He was spray painting the walls of Jump City. The letters spelt out his name. But why would he be so stupid?

"Aaaah... Titans! Don't you just love my art work!" Dr light squealed. "Soon, every one will no who I am."

"Your art work is terrible. It looks like a 5 year old could do better than that!" Raven commented.

"Yeah! My grandma can do better than that!" Beastboy said out in laughs. "And she's dead!" Beastboy laughed harder, along with raven, who loved his dark humour jokes.

"Well it's ashame you won't live to see all of it!" Dr light said pulling out a light beam gun at raven.

Beastboys face straightend out ad went serious. And so did raven. " NO!" Beastboy roared as he jumped in front raven, blocking her. The ray struck him, and he fell on the floor. Beastboy groaned in agony.

A few seconds later he got back up. And he turned to Dr light. He ran at him at full speed, and shifted into a gorilla, and shoulder barged him with all his strength. The whole team had to witness Dr light get sent flying across road, and grazing his face on the pavement. Surprisingly he got back up. And he knew he lost the fight, so he tried to limp away. Beastboy made his way to robin, and took his gun out of his holster. Dr light was a good 100 metres away by now.

"You will never catch me! I will rule this city! You wont stop me!" He yelled. " I am inevitable! I am- "

Beastboy fired the gun, and the bullet went straight through Dr lights leg, make him kneel on one knee. The team eventually caught up to him. Beastboy stood opposite him.

"Watch, young man. I will rule. Your to late. Your gonna regret-" Dr light was cut off, as beastboy kicked him in the face.

"Shut the fuckity fuck up." He said exhaustively.

Beastboy took the light beam gun out of his hands and gave it to robin. Robin was more than happy to take it back to the tower to store in the basement, and use it for... testing purposes.

"What you gonna do with that?" Doctor light asked, winded. "You gonna store it in your underground basement!"

Beastboy kicked him in the face again and knocked him out. "All basement are underground, stupid." He said.

"Oh my God. Gar, are you okay?" Raven asked rushing to him and taking him in her arms for a hug. He hugged her back.

"Yeah Rae. Im fine." He replied.

"Alright. Cyborg, hand Dr Light To the police. They can take it from here. Beastboy, Raven, go home. Starfire and I will take the gun to the basement, and nothing else..." Robin said, watching star fire blush towards the last part of his sentence.

"Okay, We'll race you back to the tower." Beastboy said as his majestical wings sprang out his back. He took flight immedeatley and soared through the air, over taking raven, but starfire was way to fast.

When they entered the tower robin and starfire immedeatley made the way to the basement to store the guns. But robin was stopped by beasbtoy.

"Hey robin." Beastboy called. Robin stopped but starfire walks on. "Remember. Its your duty, to please that booty." He said quietly.

Robin just shook his head and walked away. A few minutes later cyborg walked in. He instanlty went to beastboy.

"Hey, B! You okay? You took a hard one out there." Cyborg said. "You want me to run some tests?"

"Na man. Im good." He reassured cyborg. "I just need some sleep."

With that beastboy left and walked to his room. In the way he passed raven.

"Hi Rae." Beastboy greeted. "You alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She replied. "I want to thank you for saving me from that gun. You took one he'll of a shot. Are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine. I'm going to the hay."

"Yeah, me too. Bye then."

"See you tomorrow."

They went opposite directions, to their rooms. Beasbtoy entered his room and took his shirt off, and put in some shorts. He the immediately jumped in his bed and gel asleep nearly in an instant.

Raven removed her cloak, and put of a skin fitting vest, and mid thigh length shorts. She lay in her bed, Thinking of beasbtoy and how he saved her. But soon, she fell asleep too.

It was 2:30 am. It was dead quiet, as it should be. And beastboy lay in his bed, asleep. But soon he was shifting around, and moaning in his sleep. Until he let out a loud gasp, and woke up. He sat up, and then froze at the sight of what stood intron of him. Two demonic figures. The one from earlier, who was bulky, and had cracked skin, that was bumpy. He had no nose and sharp teeth. He was hairless, and his eyes were full red. The other one was exactly like him, except there he was skinnier, and shorter. They both look at beastboy.

Beastboy was frozen in fear, But he soon over came it. "What do you want from me!" He asked.

They didn't answer. They just stood still. Until the big one answered.

"There is a position open specifically for you. It fits your nature. What we ask of you is too grand. It's a job for the most fierce. And it is impossible for the weakest mortals."

Beastboy was in shock. What could they be asking? But beastboy wanted to know who these thing were.

"What are you?" Beasbtoy asked in slight disgust.

"We are the slaves of the devil. Demons from hell. And we want you to be our ruler. Out of all mortals on this planet, you are the only one who can cope with all the pain that sinners face, given your past."

"Whats up with the old devil?" Beastboy asked. "Why can't he rule?"

"He was consumed by the worst fiends of hell."

"Don't use big words on me, man." Beastboy said.


"Nah, fiends." He replied. "What if I don't wants to be the new devil."

"You have no choice. We are forcing You for this. But you will love the power. The power of the devil. You will contain more power and  than the man of steel."

"That's strike two with the big words."

"As we said, you have no choice. You will now lay in slumber, and you will receive your gifts when you wake-up."

Beastboy couldn't help himself from drifting off, and with in minutes he was snoozing away...

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