Chapter 7

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It had been half an hour since raven had told beastboy what happened, and she had just calmed down. She was crying for the last 30 minutes, and had beastboy to calm her.

"I'm going to have to tell the others." Raven said.

"Yeah. I know." Replied beastboy. "Do you know who those people were?"

"Just some low life gang members. They probably hang out at that area a lot."

"When we find them, I will kill them."

"I don't want to tell the others..."

"Dont. Just make up another story." Beastboy suggested.

"Thats a good idea. I'll just tell them that they... assaulted me."

With that Raven got up, with beastboy behind her, and went to the living room, where the rest of the team was watching a movie. It was one that she chose.

Before she entered, she stopped. She wanted to explain everything in the morning. It was too late for now. She turned around, and walked away.

"It's too late, I wanna tell them in the morning." She said.

"Ok, take your time." Beastboy said.



"If... I ever became a monster, would you still be my best friend?"

"I will always be your best friend."

Beastboy smiled, and was about to walk to his room, but was stopped by raven.

"Beastboy can you sleep in my room tonight?" Raven asked.

"Yeah, sure."

He follow her to her room, and entered it.

"Where do I sleep?" He aksed.

"On the bed. Duh?"

"Ok. Just didn't know if you wanted me on floor."

Beastboy went on the bed, and he lied down, on the left Side, and raven on the right. They had inches of room between them, and beastboy closed his eyes. So did raven. It was just 5 minutes before raven was asleep. But beastboy was hot in ravens covers. They were really thick. So he took his shirt off. And within minutes, beastboy was sound asleep as well.

Halfway through the night, while raven was half asleep, she felt a nice warmth in her bed, and didn't hesitate to snuggle up to it. Ofcourse this warmth was beastboy. But she didn't know.

It was now around 10:00 am and raven fluttered her eyes open. She felt the warmth, and it was a shirtless beastboy. She unwrapped her arms, and was greatful that he was sleeping. She went to the toilet, to do her morning stuff. Like shower and stuff.

She went to open the toilet door, but it was locked. She knocked it to see who was in there.

"It's beastboy." Shouted beastboy through door, while taking his shower.

"How did you get there so fast?" She asked, bewildered.

"Youre too slow!"

Beastboy quickly finished his shower, dried himself, and put a towel on his waist, and left.

"Good morning." Beastboy greated.

"Hi." She replied.

"Are you alright." Beastboy asked.

"Yes. And why did you take your shirt off?" She aksed, with a slight laugh.

"It was hot! And don't think I didn't notice you tryna snuggle with me."

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