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A/N: I forgot to ask in the previous chapter, who do you think Tae should have saved? Jin or his mother?

*5 days later*

Jin was so excited, he was practically jumping off the walls. His Taehyung would be back any moment now! He hated the temporary bodyguard that was hired for him and was so happy to see him leave earlier. He didn't forget that Taehyung's mother was shot, he was just excited because Taehyung had kissed him. That had to have meant something, right? Although he knew he not to show his excitement in front of Taehyung because the latter was dealing with a lot currently.

Jin was positioned at the front door waiting for his man. He had been there for about twenty minutes. He barely ate dinner because he was too excited. The moment the front door opened, Jin reigned in his excitement.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asked as he gave Taehyung a hug. "How's your mom?"

Taehyung felt comforted by the hug the younger was giving him. It gave him a sense of security and a feeling of hope that everything was going to be okay. He just wanted to stay in the younger's arms forever but then he remembered that it was because of Jin that his mother was laying in the hospital so he pushed Jin off of him before walking further into the house. "Where's your father?" He asked in a cold tone, shocking Jin a little because Taehyung had never been cold to him prior to that moment.

Jin composed himself. "Dad's upstairs. Oh and mom's back too" Jin's mom was a popular actress and she was filming a movie in the Shanghai. She had just returned two days ago. Jin then ran his fingers through his man's hair. "Your mom's going to be okay, okay?" He said, trying to reassure the elder since he figured that the reason the elder was cold was because his mother was hurt.

Taehyung moved Jin's hand from his hair. "Don't touch me." He spat before walking up the stairs.

Being the huge mansion it was, there was a living room upstairs as well. Taehyung walked in and sure enough, the two people he was looking for, were there. "Good evening Mr. and Mrs. Kim" Taehyung said, lightly bowing.

"Ah, Taehyung-ah, welcome back. How is your mother?" Mr. Kim asked.

"She still hasn't woken up." Taehyung replied, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Thank you for saving my son. I'm sorry your mother got hurt." Mrs. Kim said

Taehyung clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He hated what he did. He didn't want to be thanked for it, he wanted to be punished. That shouldn't have been the outcome of the situation. Jin should be the one laying in the hospital right now, not his mother.

"If I may ask, what did the police say about the two men responsible?" Taehyung asked, changing the subject

"They will be taken down to the station next week for interrogation" Mr. Kim replied "We'll know their motives soon enough"

Currently the two men were in the hospital—in the criminal ward— healing after their surgeries since they got shot as well. They were both conscious and would be taken down to the station in a week so the police could begin their interrogation.

Taehyung forced a stiff smile and said, "that's good to know. I will take my leave then" Taehyung said, bowing to them before heading to his room.

Taehyung entered his room and decided to take a shower. When he got out, he saw Jin already laying on his bed underneath the covers waiting for him.

"Hurry up and get dressed." Jin said.

"Get out of my room." Taehyung said in the same icy tone as earlier.

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