Goodnight My Love, Jinnie Loves You

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The mafia leader was handcuffed and carried away by one of the cop cars. Taehyung used every last bit of his strength to crawl over to an unconscious Jin who was bleeding out in the middle of the road.

"Jin, Seokjin stay with me. Please" Taehyung begged as he cradled Jin's head in his arms.

"I called for an ambulance, it'll be here shortly." Jungkook said as he hurried over to Jin's side.

"Jungkook what happened?" Taehyung asked as he stroked Jin's cheek slowly with his thumb.

"Jin saw you being tailed by Mr. Sunshine at the airport so he called me. He only noticed because he'd gotten off the plane before it took off and managed to see you leaving the airport; apparently, he had no intention of leaving you behind and going to meet your friend in England. I told him to book himself the next flight out and that I'll handle the mafia leader. I guess he didn't listen to me and still chased after you anyway." Jungkook explained and Taehyung suddenly realized that the person who must've been getting out of the taxi earlier had to have been Jin.

Jungkook's walkie-talkie went off and he got up to listen to what his subordinate had to say.

"Yes" he responded, agitatedly. This wasn't the time for someone to be contacting him, Seokjin's life was at stake.

"I just got news from some cops who'd been chasing after Mr. Sunshine's right and man. Apparently, he was planning on leaving the country but they'd apprehended him at the airport and are bringing him down to the station as we speak." The cop spoke through the device and Jungkook nodded in relief. Two down and one more to go. Park Jimin was still on the loose.

Taehyung caressed Jin's face softly.

"Seokjin," he called but got no response.

"Jin..." he tried again. Still nothing. His hands were beginning to shake. He wasn't even sure if Jin's heart was still beating and his breaths were too faint for Taehyung to know whether they were actually there or if it was just the night wind blowing against his arm whenever he checked to see if the younger was still breathing.

"Jinnie please answer me" Taehyung begged, tears pooling in his eyes. He couldn't lose Jin like this, not after everything he'd gone through to see him again.

"Tae.." Jin spoke so faintly that if Taehyung hadn't been listening intently, he wouldn't have caught it.

"Jin! Jin, you're still alive!!" Taehyung exclaimed, feeling both relief and joy at that fact.

"Stay with me, okay. Just try to keep your eyes open." Taehyung urged as he ran his fingers through Jin's hair.

"Tae-" Jin tried again but Taehyung shook his head, "don't waste your energy, save your strength." He told Jin before leaning down to press his lips against the younger's forehead.

"Tae...listen." Jin persisted after Taehyung pulled away from the kiss. "I have say." Jin took a huge breath, he was too weak but he had to say this now before it was too late.

"You've always...protected me" he started, taking in short breaths as he spoke all the while trying to force his eyes to stay open. "Even when your mother's life was on the line... you" Jin wasn't sure how much time he had left but he needed to keep going. He still had so much to say to Taehyung.

"I don't regret... saving you. I'm happy that I did. You've... done so much... for me. I need you...not to blame... yourself for this." Tears were pricking at the sides of Jin's eyes from the amount of strengthen was taking him just to speak.

" much and if given the choice, I'd put... my life on the line for you again." Taehyung was trying so hard to bite back his sobs, he didn't want to the last memory Jin would have if him to be one of him crying.

But none of this would be happening if the ambulance fucking arrived already!! Taehyung thought, where the hell is the goddamn ambulance!?!

Taehyung couldn't help the tears that fell.

Using the last bit of strength he had, Jin raised his hand and wiped Taehyung's tears away before tucking back strands of the older's hair that fell over his eyes behind his ear so he could see his lover's face clearly before he closed his eyes for good.

He then forced himself to smile. He didn't want Taehyung's last memory of him to be one where he looked weak and dying even if that was exactly what he was: weak and dying.

He spoke once more.

"Goodnight my love, Jinnie loves you."

With that, Jin's hand fell from the side of Taehyung's head and his body went limp as his eyes closed shut and his breathing weakened even further, rapidly and continuously until it came to a final halt.

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