Mr. Sunshine

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"Finally that persistent bitch is dead." Mr. Sunshine said as his eyes shone and he had a bright smile on his face, so bright that it felt like you almost had to squint to not get blinded by it.

He had been trying to get his hands on said "bitch's" company for days but she refused to budge so he did what anyone irrational personal would do: order for her to be killed.

"Comatose" Taehyung corrected Mr. Sunshine, immediately turning the man's smile into a frown.


"Comatose, not dead. I didn't kill her, I hurt her to the point she had to be put in a medically induced coma. She'd be under long enough for you to acquire her company." Taehyung explained and a harsh slap across his face followed instantly.

Mr. Sunshine took deep and slow breaths to calm himself as the blood rushed to his palm from how hard he had slapped Taehyung.

"I told you to kill her, I made it very clear to you that I wanted her dead." Mr. Sunshine's face held a scowl as he spoke. For the four years that Taehyung had been working under him, every time he had asked Taehyung the kill someone, the latter always found a way around it and Mr. Sunshine had had enough.

"My orders are NOT suggestions! Did you forget who the fuck I am? When I make an order, I want it to be carried out exactly." Mr. Sunshine was fuming with rage. He had had enough of Taehyung going against his orders. "You will go to whatever hospital she's laying in, and kill her tonight. If you don't, I will kill you myself. Do you understand?"

Taehyung didn't believe in killing people until it was the absolute last option but Mr. Sunshine would beg to differ.


Jung Hoseok or as he's known in the Mafia world, Mr. Sunshine, was the leader of the Seoul mafia. The reason he's called "Mr. Sunshine" is because of the way his eyes light up and how bright his smile gets whenever he kills people or talks about death.

The mafia was his life. He lived for the mafia and would die for the mafia.

He had been the leader of the Seoul Mafia since age 21, when he succeeded his father after the latter had passed away 15 years ago.

He was a cold, cruel, and heartless man who was also very machiavellian.

Taehyung was unfortunate enough to get involved with Hoseok four years ago after the death of his mother due to the fact that Taehyung's family was in debt thanks to his father who had passed away when Taehyung was still a child.

He and his mother had been paying of the debt for years and thanks to how well the Kim's paid Taehyung, it was easier for Taehyung and his mother to do so. After his mother had passed away, Taehyung went to their family bank in Gwacheon to see how much he had left to pay off since prior to his mother's passing, he had been sending her money and she was the one paying off the debt.

The bank had told Taehyung that his family didn't take out any loans from them and he was confused. Who had his mother been giving money to all these years?

What Taehyung didn't know at the time was that it wasn't a bank his father had borrowed money from. It was from Mr. Jung, Hoseok's father, who was the leader of the mafia at the time.

Typically, the mafia leader wasn't one to lend people money since he was the leader of the mafia and not a fucking loan shark, but Taehyung's dad married the woman of Mr. Jung's dreams. Yes, bad men do fall in love. It was a messy love triangle, one that Mr. Jung lost but out of respect the his love, he let her go to Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim used to be a wealthy man but his company was on the verge of bankruptcy so he borrowed money to get it back on its feet, but due to unfortunate circumstances, his company still went under.

When the opportunity arose to get back the woman he loved, Mr. Jung took it. He lent Taehyung's father money with the promise that if Taehyung's father couldn't pay it back in ten years, he would give Mr. Jung his wife as payment instead.

That was the plan, until Mr. Jung had passed away and Hoseok took over. Hoseok didn't know about the promise but he knew about the loan, so he continued receiving payments for the debt from Mrs. Kim... that was until he didn't anymore.

She had passed away.

Hoseok didn't know that, he thought that she had no money and was on the run after he hadn't received a payment in three months. So he sent one of his men to look into it, which was how he found out about her death, and unfortunately, about Taehyung as well.

It was on record that she had a next of kin: Kim Taehyung. Hoseok asked someone to look into Taehyung and found out that he was the Kim Taehyung. The military-decorated,-highly-coveted-by-everyone-in-both-the-legal-and-illegal-parts-of-the-business- world, Kim Taehyung.

Hoseok had to have him.

He had Taehyung tracked down and took the liberty upon himself to pay Taehyung a visit. This was four years ago, the day before Taehyung had planned to go back to Jin which was a Friday.

That Friday afternoon, Hoseok personally paid Taehyung a visit and informed him of the debt his family owed. Taehyung promised to continue paying it back since he now knew who he had to pay it to. He was going to go back to the Kim's and asked for his job back because they paid him really well and since Mrs. Kim had told him to return whenever, but Hoseok had other plans. He forced Taehyung into working off his family's debt, instead, saying that it was either that or death. Having no other choice, Taehyung joined the mafia.

Hoseok had told him that it would take three years to work off his debt but when those three years had come and gone, Hoseok didn't set Taehyung free because other than Taehyung's reluctance to kill people, he did a more than fantastic job for Hoseok. Unwilling to let Taehyung go, Hoseok told the him that the only way out of the mafia was death.

So Taehyung had no choice but to stay.


"I asked you a question, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Mr. Sunshine yelled.

Would Taehyung go against his beliefs and kill a person just because the most powerful mafia leader in all of South Korea threatened him?

"Yes, Mr. Sunshine. She'll be dead by tonight."

A/N: if anyone is confused by anything, just ask and I'll clarify

Also, the person Jin thinks is Hoseok (his other ex-bodyguard) isn't the actual Jung Hoseok. This will be talked about in the next chapter.

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