18. Alexander Siblings

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San Francisco, USA.

Twice just finished their concert and now rest in their hotel.

"Aish, if Jeongyeon and Jihyo unnie didn't come, we will know who and where is Y/n's unnie friends" Chaeyoung said after showered and the maknaes have room together.

"How can ask they again? Joy, Lisa and Rose unnie also not in Korea, meanwhile we in here, if we know where are them" Dahyun said frustasingly.

Suddenly their phone buzzing.

"Lets have dinner, they waiting us. Later we talk about it" Tzuyu said and they out from their room.

Momo, Sana, Mina who arrived before the others take their seat.

While taking the foods there are two persons talking about something ordering the coffee near their place sat.

"It's kinda frustasing when Ms and Mr Alexander must handle our company in Swizterland" The girl said.

They talking in English, and Mina understand what they said.

"Yeah they must go to there and back to here to make sure everything fine." The boy said.

"Ugh, suddenly i really miss Ms. Bae, even everyone who come to our company asked where is Ms. Bae Y/n"

That's make the J-line looks each other.

Suddenly, the maknaes come and sat with their unnie. But they notice their unnie look at one table.

They following the gaze and confused.

"Unnie, what happen?" Dahyun asked. Meanwhile the J-line shocked hear they in there.

"O-oh you arrived, nothing" Sana said but they still corious.

"Really? Why you look at them?" Tzuyu asked.

"U-uh nothing, just-"

"Just what?" Chaeyoung cutted Momo's words.

They look each other and nodding, maybe if they share it with Maknaes it doesn't matter, because they not really agree with Jeongyeon.

"Well, we just hear from two people in there that they said about Ms and Mr. Alexander also.." Mina paused her words

"Also who?"

"Ms. Bae..Bae Y/n"

They three shocked and almost chocked even then not eat anything.

"A-are sure?" Dahyun lower her voice.

The J-line nodding and make maknaes feel this the way they know about Y/n's friends.


After they have dinner, Momo, Sana and Mina come to Maknaes' room. Of course without Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo knows.

They told everything that they know, actually that make J-line shocked and want join them to find Y/n, Rana, Dwi and Dinda.

"So, how can we know them?" Momo asked.

"Maybe we should search that 'Ms. And Mr.Alexander' who they mention" Tzuyu said. They nodding and get their phone to searching.

"In this article said that Alexander siblings is the director Zweimal.Inc in San Francisco,USA" Chaeyoung read it.

"Ugh maybe we got her friend" Mina said and all of them look at her.


"Because they was in same junior high school in Y/n"

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