Ch17: The new emperor Finale

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The Crimson Demon of Chaos

Have you ever seen a demon? A demon as portrayed in histories, books, drawings is a horned diabolic man with red skin and a smile that could cause nightmares to most.

But, is that truly a demon is appearance? Well, Sengoku understood what a demon looked like.

He understood what a demon is true appearance was, and Madara looked like a demon, but he knew he was wrong. A demon looked like Madara.

Sengoku's sense came back to him after recovering from the attack the Uchiha gave him. His head still throbbing with pain and discomfort.

He stood looking to the big twisted three that held a lot of impaled marine in its roots. Blood leaking from the lifeless soldiers.

Sengoku could only sigh as he immediately looked for Madara. He dreamed he wouldn't found him, but sometimes dreams don't come true.

He found him. He found the Uchiha inside the chest of a blue spectral creature with a horn in its face and the size of his Buddha form. The creature had four arms, with one defending the attack that came from Sakazuki, with the other defending the attack from Kuzan, and the other hands had curved knives that blocked the attack that came from Borsalino.

With that creature, he stopped the strongest attacks of the three admirals at the same time.

"Well" Madara spoke from inside the creature "I haven't use Susanoo since a long time, you should feel proud of yourselves, making me come to this" Another two arms sprouted from the blue spectral creature, the new hands joined in a praying motion "Yasaka No Magatama(Yasaka Beads)" The hands opened showing 9 blue tomoes similar to the ones he had on his eyes some time before. The tomoes turned to metal as they started rotating in mid-air "Try evading this, admirals" The tomoes flew towards the three marines, 3 to each one. Kuzan jumped away using ice to fight the tomoes. Sakazuki used his lava to fight against the tomoes. Borsalino jumped away using his speed to evade them. The extra hands disappeared as Madara crossed his arms inside the creature that stood in full height.

Sengoku could only stare to the creature in from of him. Awe and fear in his eyes. "Just…..just" Stuttering words came from his mouth. "WHAT ARE YOU?!" Sengoku shouted

Madara turned to the fleet admiral with a smile on his face. "I am Uchiha Madara" He replied with a knowing tone as if that was the answer.

"YOU!" Sengoku in his Buddha form ran towards the Uchiha with a fist ready to attack. He launched his fist towards the face of the blue creature

Madara's Susanoo used its fist to counter. The two fists met as the surroundings trembled by the impact. The Susanoo used a hand with a knife to attack Sengoku. The fleet admiral defended using his golden arm. Another impact made the island tremble.

"AAHHH" Sengoku kicked the Susanoo with rage, the blue creature was thrown away, Madara following.

The Susanoo stopped by stabbing the ground with one of its knives. Madara noticed a small crack in the chest of his humanoid avatar. He smirked and turned to the admiral.

"That was a good kick Sengoku, I hope you have more like that"

"I HAVE HUNDREDS LIKE THAT!" Sengoku clenched his fists as a pale shockwave appeared. He jumped towards the Susanoo. The Blue creature prepared its knives to defend.

The fists met the knives. You could say the earth shook in its entirely as everyone felt the power behind the attack of Sengoku.

Even inside the Susanoo, Madara felt how his entire body was shook by the vibration of the shockwave.

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