Ch.4 Broken Memory

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-Jason pov

"She mourns Mr. Gluten. I told you not to wander into the town. And now she is hurting." I said as I paced back and forth. Mr. Gluten hung his head and curled up into a ball. I sighed with regret.

"I know you were hungry, but it's too dangerous to eat around there." I added.

"He's always hungry Jason. You need to find snacks for him or something." Puppeteer said while playing with a few marionettes.

"I'll go find something. Just    don't go anywhere." I replied before walking out the door. The streets were still busy, but I couldn't decide what Mr. Gluten would like.

"I'll just go to the other side of town. Visit Y/n for a while. Something might show up for Mr. Gluten over there." I thought before making my way towards the flower shop. I was crossing the road when a man stormed out of the shop. He was mad about something. He couldn't be mad at Y/n. It's impossible to get mad at her. If he hurt her in any way,  well      I'll have to fix that. A bell rang as I opened the door and stepped into the room. I looked around to find Y/n watering a few plants in the corner.

"Good day Y/n" I said while smiling at her.

"Hello Jason." She said. Her voice was shaking. She put a smile on her face, but I knew that it wasn't real.

"Are you ok Y/n?" I asked before noticing the tears threatening to fall. That man hurt her.

"Customers sometimes lose it when I don't have the flowers they want. That one took it a little personally. I've dealt with him before, but he wasn't this bad.  He was more    aggressive." She replied as she grabbed a broom.

"I had an old doll on this shelf. She was the only childhood memory I had. He was so mad at me, so he pushed her off the shelf as he walked out." Y/n added while sweeping up the broken pieces. I grew stiff when she made her way to the trash. I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Y/n, you have no idea how much your flower arrangements mean to me. Let me do something for you this time." I said while grabbing a bag.

"I'll fix her up." I finished before her eyes widened a little.

"You'd do that?" I could hear the slight excitement in her voice. I smiled and nodded my head as I carefully put the pieces in the bag. I wanted to tell Y/n that I'd do anything for her, but that will make her feel awkward since she has no memory of me.

"I'd hug you, but I might squeeze you in half." She said while laughing slightly. I forgot how much I missed her smile. I smiled back at her.

"You've made my day so much better Jason." She finished before her boss walked in. We said our farewells before I left. I got something that needs tending to.

-Your pov

"You look really happy today Y/n." My boss said as she walked in. I smiled more as I finished watering plants.

"Jason took my doll and is going to fix her." I explained before she looked at me in shock.

"Someone broke her?  Who was it?" She asked while grabbing the broom and walking towards the door.

"It's the same guy as last time Grace. I doubt that he'll come back." I replied louder as she reached for the knob. She froze and looked at me.

"He came back? After I told him to stay away?!" She shouted before swinging the door open. She ran out to find and smack him like last time. Grace seemed to do that with every bad customer we've had. I can't stop her from doing that, but at the same time I don't want to.

"I can't find him." She wined while walking back into the shop.

"If he remembers the last time you beat him, you never will find him here again." I replied while sorting flowers. I couldn't hold back the smile on my face while thinking of Jason's generous offer. Maria was right about how kind he is.

"Y/n." Grace said before I looked up at her. Her arms were crossed, but she was smiling.

"You're blushing."

-Jason pov

Blood hit the walls as I continued to punch the bastard.

"All    you had to do was leave   her    alone." I said before stopping. The man sat back up while I checked the wax.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said between breaths before I struck his face.

"Apparently Grace didn't beat you hard enough the first time because you went back to torment Y/n again." I replied. The man's expression changed after I hit him again.

"You.  I       I remember you!" The man shouted as I finished tying him down.

"Do you now?" I said before my green eyes glared at him. If he stayed away from Y/n then he wouldn't be in this situation. I gave him one last chance and he failed.

"You took me from the mall and put me in that that prison." He said before looking around the room. Mr. Bunny pinned his ears back at the man. His eyes widened at the sight of the toy dolls.

"I remember seeing you make one of those wax dolls. Those screaming wax dolls.       Y-you're crazy!    You're sick!" He finished while trying to free his wrists.

"I let you live!      I let you live because Y/n shouldn't have to live in a town alone. I thought that you were compatible for h/t, guess I was wrong." I replied before looking at the melting wax. Could I really turn him into a doll? What good will he do in that state? I chuckled a little as another idea came to mind.

"I was going to fix you up,      but I think there's better use for you." I added before whistling. Mr. Gluten slithered around the corner with his tongue hanging. I smiled a little as he looked at the man eagerly.

"Mr. Gluten      dinner." I said before he charged at the man. He didn't even have time to scream. I continued working on Y/n's doll as Mr. Gluten devoured the imbecile. The doll was coming together nicely. I'm glad that she kept it for all these years.    There is hope.

(H/t= home town)

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