Ch.8 Protector

736 19 13

-Your pov

"Y/n! So glad you could make it!"  Sue shouted as she walked up to me. I smiled and hugged her before looking around the room. A few coworkers were a little out of it. Not as much as Ken. I felt nervous watching him as he stumbled around with his eyes barely open.

"Who's your friend?" Sue asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked back to see Jason watching everyone by the doorframe.

"This is Jason." I said while grabbing his hand and pulling him closer. Jason smiled at Sue, but he seemed a little more focused on people at the bar.

"Oh yes, you were at the wedding a couple months ago. Nice to see you again." Sue said oblivious that Jason wasn't paying attention.

"H~hi Y~/n!" Ken shouted from across the room clearly drunk. From what people say, he's always drunk at the bar. I smiled a little and waved to be polite before looking back at Sue. She looked nervous.

"Y/n,   Ken has been drinking since one. Be careful around him.  He's in a good mood so we need to try and keep it that way." Sue said quietly before Anna shouted from Ken licking her hand. I felt myself leaning closer to Jason as Sue walked away to get to her husband.

"Where would you like to sit?" I asked as calmly as I could. Jason didn't say a word. He was eyeing the drunks at the bar.

"Jason?" I said while gently shaking his hand. He blinked and put his focus on me before smiling a little. He lead me over to Grace and Sue's table away from the bar.

"Is that all Ken has been doing? Licking hands?" I asked before Sue stopped mid-drink.

"He's kissed his hand while it was on Hannah's face as well as mine." She said before shrugging.

"doesn't surprise me though. That's what he did the last few times with almost everyone. Not the guys at least." She finished. I looked at Ken for a moment hoping that I'm not next. If he kisses his hand then it won't be too bad.    I guess. Jason and I talked for a while before I decided to get up and grab a drink. Nothing alcoholic. When I got there, I didn't see anything of interest so I decided to make my way back. I walked back into the room towards my table before I felt someone grab my shoulders and turn me around. Before I could comprehend what was happening, Ken kissed me. Except, he wasn't using his hand. I tried to push him away, but he just pulled me closer. I could feel all eyes on us. All of them nervous and unsure of what to do to interfere.

"Ken stop." Sue said nervously. I sealed my lips shut, but he still continued.

"Ken." Grace said. He didn't pay attention. I could hear Jason get out of his seat. 

"Jason don't. If you piss him off he'll beat you to the ground." Grace said clearly worried. I squeaked a little when his grip tightened. I tried to push him off more especially when he tried to stick his tongue in my mouth.

"Get off her!" Jason shouted before grabbing his shoulder and punching his face. He immediately let go of me and stumbled back against a table. He was mad now. Jason held onto me while glaring at him. Ken started walking towards us. Jason gently pushed me behind him ready to face Ken. Ken pulled off his shirt before trying to punch Jason. Jason ducked and pushed him back before losing his balance. He fell back as Ken charged at him again. The bartender and a few waiters ran in blocking my view for a while. They managed to pull him off of Jason. I went over to Jason and grabbed his arm before he could charge at Ken.

"Jason please let it go. Please?" I begged. His eyes softened and he walked away with me to the table. It was quiet after someone got Ken out and towards home. It was fine by me though. I had too much excitement for one night.

"We need to get going. Cops were called." Sue said while people were grabbing their things. I looked at her and Grace before we made our way to the door.

"Are you going to be ok Y/n?" Grace asked while we all rushed outside. I nodded my head before we all stopped in the parking lot. I waved goodbye to a few coworkers before looking back at Grace.

"I'm sorry he did that to you." She said. I smiled faintly.

"I'll be ok." I replied. She smiled before hugging me. She let go when we saw lights in the distance.

"Get her home safely Jason." She said before getting in her car. Jason grabbed my hand and we started walking. 

"I'm sorry for the fight Y/n. I just couldn't control myself when he was being forceful." Jason said as we approached my doorstep before I smiled and hugged him.

"I'm honestly glad you did. I was getting scared." I replied. Jason hugged me back. We said goodnight before he made his way home. I smiled before going inside. I felt so safe around him. If only he loved me the same way I still do.

-Jason pov

"Shit.    My head." Ken said as he started coming to.

"I think a hangover is the least of your problems right now." I replied while cutting the fabric for my next project.

"You messed with the wrong person tonight." I finished before looking at him. He tried to move his hands before realizing that they were bound.

"You punched me first dude." He said making me roll my eyes and continue working.

"Your action towards Y/n started it." I said while sewing an outfit.

"Sue told you both that I was shit-face drunk. I tend to kiss everyone when I'm drunk, but I would never do that to her sober." He said. I immediately gritted my teeth while slamming my fist on my desk before standing up and stormed towards him.

"So you think that gives you an excuse?  Drunk or not, no one lays a hand on Y/n like that." I said while my voice changed. I firmly gripped his jaw and made him look at me as my face grew slightly closer to his.

"Y/n is everything to me. Do you really expect me to let you go after that?" I growled as my form changed. I could see the fear in his eyes now, but there was also anger. He thinks I'm insane. I harshly let go of his face and retuned to finishing all the pieces.

"Man    if I knew how crazy you were about Y/n then I would have told her to stay away from you." He said while trying to break out of the bonds.

"Says the man who forcefully kissed her because he has no self-control and doesn't know when to put down the bottle." I said before taking a deep, furious breath.

"You owe her an apology, and I'll make sure you give it to her." I said while grabbing my knife.

"I'll make sure that you don't lay a hand on her." I added while walking towards him. I grabbed his arm and rested the blade on his shoulder. I'm not making a wax doll this time.

"I will make sure that you do    exactly   what I say." I finished before cutting.


I sat there while holding my latest creation.

"Puppeteer, I'll need you to handle this one tomorrow.  I didn't make strings." I said before he grinned. I guess he's been looking forward to one like this. He took it from my hands and already started playing with it. I sighed and hesitantly walked towards the door.

"It's really late Jason. Where are you going?" He asked.

"There's one more thing I need to do tonight.  Something I need to know." I answered while I continued walking. I opened my door to see a dark room with clothes. I'm in her closet. I carefully opened the door and stepped into her room. Y/n was fast asleep. Puppeteer's words echoed in my mind as I approached her bed. My heart beat faster with every step. My hands were shaking. Every part of me was, but I need to know. I stood by her side and carefully placed my hands one either side of her head to keep my balance. She was still asleep. I held my breath as my face grew closer to hers. There's no going back now. I gently pressed my lip against hers. Time froze as I kissed her.   All the anxiety that led to this moment       gone.    Gone in one flash of light that sent sparks through the shadows in my head. I know now.                        

   I love her.

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