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Emmett finds Lucy down by the stream watching the fish, she glances to him slightly before looking back to the water.

"Lucretcia?" she snorts.

"It's my real name" she shrugs. "Lucy is just....easier" she states. "And only my father calls me Lucretcia" she looks to Emmett, and can see the cogs turning in his head, she smirks a little. "Stefan is my father" he looks to her.

"Oh....oooohhhh" she rolls her eyes.

"You're not going to try and kiss me again are you?" she asks with a small smirk.

"Was it that bad?"

"I never said that" she mumbles before her smile turns sad. "Do you know how long it's been since someone kissed me?" she asks quietly.

"I could tell" he answers sitting beside her.

"That bad, huh?" she looks away.

"No, no...it wasn't bad" he reaches towards her chin only to stop. "Can I?" she glances to him and then nods, he gently takes her chin between his fingers and brushes his fingers along her jaw. "Don't you miss it?" he asks as she closes her eyes, he leans closer to her. "Having someone touch you....." he brushes his fingers down her neck. "To feel a soft caress..." he smirks ghosting his lips over hers. "To feel....a lovers lips" his fingers dance over her collarbone. "To have someone worship every inch of you" she opens her eyes to look at him. "Lucy" he whispers. She leans up and kisses him this time, his hand catching her waist to stop them both from toppling backwards. With the both of them into it this time, it's better, the way her lips move against his, the way his hand holds her close to him. "Wow" Emmett mumbles against her lips as she pulls back a little, she looks down and he knows that if they could she would be blushing. He reaches up and brushes his fingers over her cheek, she closes her eyes and leans into it.


Lucy now lays with her head on Emmett's chest, his fingers playing with her hair, she suddenly gasps, Emmett looks to her as her eyes turns white. "Lucy?" he asks touching her face, before standing and lifting her up and rushing back to the house, Michelle appears at his side as Carlisle and Stefan moves towards them.

"What's happening?" Bella asks, Stefan nor Michelle look all that worried, though Stefan raises an eyebrow at the fact Emmett is touching Lucy and is alive. Michelle touches Lucy's head brushing her hair back.

"She's watching someone die" she tells them moving to an arm chair. "Set her down, she'll be fine in a few minutes" Emmett looks to Michelle who rolls her eyes. "It's part of her gift.....she sees when vampires are about to die.....I am guessing it's none of us...she'll be fine" Michelle assures Emmett with a smirk, Emmett sits in the chair with Lucy still in his arms.


In London, Jane and Alec chase down a Japanese vampire, Toshiro, they corner him and Alec releases his vapor, nearly killing him when Aro, Caius and Marcus arrive.

"Alec?" Alec takes back his power, releasing Toshiro from his vapor, Aro moves closer to Toshiro.

"I will never go against you"

"Of course not, my dear Toshiro" Aro indicates that Toshiro gives him his hand, when he takes his hand Aro reads his mind."It seems Carlisle is still expecting you" Aro and the others turn and start walking off, leaving Alec and Jane to deal with Toshiro.

"Carlisle is all but ensuring his own destruction"

"Sad, isn't it?"


Lucy sits up right and looks to Emmett under her, she frowns.

"Urm....you went all..." he waves to his eyes.

"Oh...." she stands and steps away from him.

"Who was it?" Gabriel asks from where he reads with Rosalie in the corner, the blonde glancing to Lucy.

"Toshiro" Carlisle looks to her. "I'm sorry" Lucy tells the man. Carilsle sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Do I dare ask"

"The twins" she answers, Carlisle nods as Gabriel rolls his eyes, he never liked the two of them. "Aro is aware that you are gathering allies" Lucy tells him looking out the window. "If he is aware how many I didn't see" she looks to Emmett and then away again, Gabriel looks to Rosalie who now lays with her head in his lap, she smirks and wiggles her eyebrows at him, he brushes his fingers through her hair and smirks.


Raphael sits on a fallen log as Michelle meditates, covering and uncovering herself in diamonds, Renesmee watches the shield causing her to smirk, Raphael stiffens sensing a wolf close by, he turns to look through the trees and meets the eyes of a smallish grey wolf who stops her stalking to stare at him. A small whine leaves her before she is walking towards him, Raphael stands moving into a defensive position, wolves make him nervous. She stops and sits on her hind legs just watching him. Raphael looks to Michelle and Renesmee, the blonde shrugging as she stand picking the girl up with a smile. Raphael follows them inside casting a look back at the wolf as a russet wolf – he knows is Jacob moves to her side, the two wolves look towards him. Jacob seems to be laughing.

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