The Beginning of the End

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   Rain, Izuku always loved the rain. The little drops of water falling so far to the ground, the sounds they made when they hit the earth. He always loved the rain.

   So when he was walking home from the store with his mother, he was happy when it started to rain. With his little hand in his mother's, he let out a small giggle each time a drop hit his nose.

   His mother glanced down at him and his young antics with a fond smile, but pulled him from his musing when they passed a darkened alley to tug them along faster.

   When little Izuku looked into the alley he was surprised to see a teenager lurking in the shadows.

   He couldn't have been older than sixteen, but he had a scar along his jaw. Izuku was curious to know how he had acquired such a thing when he made eye contact with the young teen and his surroundings changed.

  Instead of the rainy street and grey skies, he was in a dark abandoned building that looked as if it had been burned in the past.

  In front of him, instead of the alley entrance; there was a child no older if not younger than himself kneeling on the floor. The child had a sickly complexion, and bags under his eyes. His dull blue hair was matted; his clothes had holes and stains.

   While Izuku was taking in his surroundings, the child's pale red eyes looked fearfully at something above him. Following his line of sight, he saw a man holding a rusted serrated knife.

   Gasping in shock, Izuku stumbled away from the figure. He fell backwards towards the kid still on the floor.

   To his horror, he fell not only to the floor, but through the child he was just standing in front of.
The man stepped forwards and bent in front of the child, raising his knife to his neck.

   "No one is gonna save you here Tomura." The man said laughing. His voice was like screws on a chalkboard to Izuku.

   The kid; now dubbed Tomura, whimpered as the man dragged the blade across his jaw.

   Just as the man was about to speak again, the scene before him dissipated into black smoke and he was back on the street with his mother as if nothing had happened and; to his utter confusion, no time passed.

   Another raindrop fell on his nose and he let himself be pulled away to the safety of his home by his mother.

   'That kid was the boy', Izuku realized as he and his mother walked into their little apartment.

   That night Izuku dreamt of shaded figures and crying children. But never spoke of it to anyone

A few months later...

   When Izuku blinked awake that morning, it was to the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

   Though at first he was confused, wasn't his mother usually at work by now? To sate his curiosity, he slowly pulled back his covers and crept out of his room to the kitchen.

   As the scent got stronger, he rounded a corner to find his mother humming while flipping pancakes onto a plate.

   "Mama? What are 'ou doing?" He asked, his exhaustion seeping into his voice.

   "Izu, Your awake!" His mother said giving him a blinding smile that the Midoriyas are so known for.

   "Come eat breakfast," she said as she set the plate down, "I made your favorite!" Giggling, he sat down at the table to eat.

   "Why are you still home mama?" Izuku said with his fork half way to his mouth.

   "Hehehe silly, did you forget what day today is?"

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