The Foster Care System

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(Third Person POV)

  Carbolic acid, iodoform, and the overbearing smell of too many flowers. That was all Mrs. Bakugou could smell in the quiet and uncomfortable hospital hallway she found herself in.

Her son at home with her husband, she herself was in the stiff plastic chairs outside of her best friends operation room.

Dragging her hand through her spiky ash blond hair, she took a steady breath and stood to pace in front or the chairs where she had sat in wait.

  Between her pacing, worrying, sitting, and worrying some more, it was all she could do not to run out of this place and hunt down the man who did it.

  As soon as she saw the burns she knew. Who else would do this to a woman as sweet as Inko Midoriya?
Who else, besides a vengeful, insane ex; who just so happens to have a fire breathing quirk.

  'Suicide induced arson.' They said.

  Bullshit. Her Inko hadn't done anything remotely like that since little Izuku was born. No, it had to be him. She wouldn't accept otherwise.

  "Mrs. Bakugou?" Startled, she jumped from her chair. When she saw the doctor, a thousand questions went through her head.

  "Yes," she managed.

  "I'm sorry to have to be the one to say this; but from what we've found, Mrs. Midoriya was already in critical condition when she was discovered. By the time she was even brought to the hospital, she had already past."

'Please of all people why her. Inko was still pure, of all people why?!'

  "Mrs. Bakugou, please lower your voice! You are still in a hospital after all." In her panicked state, she hadn't realized she was speaking out loud, let alone yelling.

'What about Izuku?' The thought hit her like a punch to the gut. It was bad enough that darling Inko was gone, what would become of her son? She highly doubted that the social workers would deem her fit for adoption; that means he'll be sent to foster care.

"Izuku," she mumbled.

"I'm sorry?"

"Izuku Midoriya, where is he?!" she started yelling again.

"Mrs. Midoriya's son? He's in the over night ward for the time being Ma'am. But I'm afraid you can not be permitted to see him at the moment. He's been severally injured with second and third degree burns and needs his rest. " the doctor explained.

"What do you mean injured?!" She was not aware that Izuku had been hurt as well; though she should have expected it.

It seemed as though she couldn't seem to get enough air into her lungs. This new information was coming to quickly for her to process it all. To compensate, she began pacing again, her red heels clacking sharply with every harsh step.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore. Without a spared glance to the doctor, she hurriedly made her way out of the hospital, away from the carbolic air, the unbearable overlaying cloud of despair, and from the bitter truth.

Just because part of her world came crashing down around her, didn't mean she had to accept it yet. No; first, she needed a drink.

Izuku was annoyed from the moment he woke up.

First, he was cold, he hates being cold. Second, the doctors and detective felt the need to sugar coat everything they were telling him, most likely because he was only four. And third, after much suffering through drawn out explanations, he found he would be going into foster care. But to top it off, the sun was out and shining brighter than ever. It felt like an insult to his mother. How dare it be light, when his world just fell into darkness. Izuku wished it would rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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