The Aftershock

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(Izuku's POV)

Pain, screams.

I couldn't think of anything besides pain, until I guess I eventually passed out. Yet screams were all I could hear even after.

As I was unconscious I danced through memories and nightmares. By this point I'm not sure I could tell which is which and who's are mine. I let them pass, I watched each one play through.

I came to the memory of what the doctor told me my quirk is.

Named 'Reminiscent', I can look into people's minds at specific memories. For example, if I wonder something about someone, I can look into their eyes and see it as a vision in an outsiders perspective. One of the bad things is I can only see the people correlating to that memory, everyone else is just basic figures that sometimes have voices. Another thing, is that I can't touch anything while watching these. I'll pass right through them as if they were smoke. One of the better things though, is outside of the visions no time passes.

The drawback of it is the longer I stay in them, the more exhausted I becomes. The doctor told me if I were to over use my quirk I could pass out for unknown periods of time.

As the memory passed, I came to a different one. The man in their apartment. He was really tall,(to Izuku, the four year old) even taller than Mama. His hair was mocha brown, and suspiciously unruly like mine. But his eyes were a cobalt blue like Mama tells me my left one is. He was wearing a dark turtleneck and a brown trench coat with black slacks and loafers. Not exactly someone you would see around our neighborhood.

I engraved his image into my head. What was it he said? 'Our little Izu doesn't even remember me!'
Was I supposed to? What did Mama call him?


Why was he there?

'Inko dearest, can I not visit my own family? It's been so long!'

He's related to us? What is he to Mama and I? Why did she look so scared?

So many questions, not enough answers.

I could feel my consciousness returning slowly. The wretched beeping met my ears first. The the low murmur of voices muffled by something was next. My eyelids were to heavy to move yet, so I took in what else I could.

For one, I'm laying down. It seems so be a bed, but it's extremely uncomfortable. Although the sheets are worn from years of washes and use.

It's cold, I can hear an AC running.

The voices stopped, what's happening?

As I attempt to open my eyes, they are only met with blinding light so I squint them closed. I try shifting in my 'bed' only to find myself in excruciating pain. After a harsh intake of breath, the insistent beeping starts coming faster. A door clicks open, shoes squeak on tiled floor as the people enter.

"He's awake." Someone says at my side, "His vitals are fine, just his back that's still gonna have some leftover discomfort."

I finally manage to squint my eyes open and see two nurses above me. One is to my left looking at a machine, the other is reading a clipboard.

Squirming only drew another groan. It was gradually going away, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. I'm

"Mama," I croaked.

"What was that dear?" Clipboard asked me.

"Where's my mom?" Before they could answer, a man walked through the door. He had short brown hair and eyes. He was also wearing a brown trench coat. He shall be dubbed, The Brown Man.

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