Authors Note/ Watty Awards

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Hey guys!

I first of all wanted to thank you for putting up with my lack of updates for the past month. I had a huge family vacation and it was just so busy. We started off in Las Vegas, where I got to meet one of my biological aunts for the first time, which was absolutely amazing. Then we made our way to California, where I turned 21 and got to spend my birthday at a bunch of different wineries... #AMAZING Then from there we went to New York and boarded a cruise ship were we kept celebrating the fact that my crazy ass survived 21 years. And we finally got home July 18th. Then we had to deal with all of the insurance and hospital stuff as the day before all the traveling started my mother was in a motorcycle accident and placed in the ICU for one night due to a 9 millimeter bleed, and yes her crazy ass still went on the vacation. But I am finally back. And for the rest of this week I am going to be building up on chapters for A Deal With The Devil, and one of those chapters will be posted tonight and another will be posted friday!!

The next subject, I highly recommend that you go back through and scan the last chapter as I made a few changes to the story line. And instead of her name being Graci, I decided Delilah/Lila was better because she is my innocent little flower, well not so innocent now, but still.

Last matter of business, I have entered this for the Wattys 2019, I don't know if that is something you vote on or not, I don't really know how it works and I really don't think I will win as this story is so new and doesn't really have a following but I am still so grateful for the opportunity.

Be watching for the next update!!

Thank You,


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