Chapter 8

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Draco managed to get them back to the Manor and he settled Harry down in his bed. Harry sunk down into the softness.

"Mmm...I love your bed..."

"It's a rose petal mattress with silk sheets. It's relaxing to me." He slipped in next to the other and settled in for the night and possibly until the next afternoon by the way he was feeling. They fell asleep holding each other and Draco woke up at two in the morning.

Harry was tossing slightly but as soon as Draco whispered his name, he opened his eyes and stopped moving.

"Yes?" He seemed to force his voice to sound confused, and Draco knew that he knew what question would follow.

"What's wrong?" Harry just shook his head.

"Just a dream. I'm okay, really." Draco nodded and laid his head back down on the pillow. Harry followed suit.


"Draco?" He mimicked the blond right down to the tone of his voice.

"Ha, funny. What do you like to do?" He looked genuinely confused this time.

"Um...what do you mean?" His brow furrowed, and Draco reached out to smooth the lines down. Half of his reasoning being that he didn't want him to get wrinkles, the other half because he wanted him to calm down, to understand that he never meant any harm, that he had nothing to worry about.

"What type of hobbies do you have, what do you like to do for fun?"

"Um...I don't know..." Draco's eyes widened. Had the man in front of him never had fun? How was that even allowed that the Boy-Who-Lived never had fun? That wasn't right.

"I'm taking you out tomorrow. You're going to have fun if it kills me." He slowly drifted to sleep, aware that Harry was watching him. He didn't care. He just wanted Harry to have fun and if he wanted to stare at him, then that was all right in his mind. He was kind of comforted that Harry would want to look at him. When he was almost asleep, just on the precipice of sleep, he felt Harry lean down and kiss him.

He didn't bother rousing himself this time. He'd just wake Harry up the next day with something similar. Knowing that Harry never really had fun, he assumed he never really woke up to anything other than an alarm or yelling. He was determined to break that pattern, and Merlin help anyone who foiled his plans.

Draco woke up a few hours later and looked at the sun. By the way it was shining into the room and onto the rug, he figured it to be about nine in the morning. Remembering the promise he made to himself the last time he went to sleep, he propped himself up on his arms and gently kissed Harry until he woke up.

"Hey." He was surprised to see that Harry looked confused. "Am I seriously awake, or am I in a dream still? Because if I am, then I need to wake up before anyone or anything gives me a headache before I'm even out of bed." Draco nuzzled his neck and let himself inhale the intoxicating scent that was Harry.

"You're seriously awake. Now, let's go. Rise and shine dear, we have a lot to do in a small amount of time!" He hopped up and off the bed and started throwing shirts and pants around so they created a small storm that just so happened to be directed at the brunet.

"Okay, okay! As long as you stop throwing the cashmere at me, I'll get up." He stopped throwing cloths and instead dressed himself. He had chosen a plain blue shirt and a pair of jeans, something that Draco Malfoy would never have been caught dead in a year prior to that morning.

As soon as Harry was dressed, they took the train to a nearby city and he dragged his companion to the nearest theatre to watch a movie.

"What are we doing here?"

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