Chapter 9

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I flew to his room, slowly letting us float down to the ground once more. I set him down in his bed softly, reveling in the fact that I saved him. I was upset that I had to save him in the first place, but you can't have everything.

I was just glad he was okay.

I tried to walk away, I really did. But something held me from walking through the door, instinct maybe. So I turned and contented myself with just watching him sleep.

I knew he was still there with me, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I got up after an hour of useless sleeping (well trying to sleep and not succeeding). We spent the rest of the night arguing.

It wasn't my fault I was turned on by him saving me.

I sat down next to Draco, reveling in his presence. It still amazed me that he was willing to put up with me and my childish antics. It would seem that never really getting a chance to be a child kinda built up and decided to come out once I realized that I wouldn't get into trouble for it.

Draco and I had been together for years now. I was turning seventy-six tomorrow, and we hadn't ever separated. Oh sure, we had a few tiffs and I would kick him out of bed for the night. But nothing ever lasted more than a few hours. We were just like when we were kids at Hogwarts-have a fight and then walk away. Except we don't keep grudges now.

His arm wrapped around me, held me to him. I looked at his face, wondering if he had anything to say. He didn't. He just kissed me.

It would seem that we would stay like this forever, and if that was to be the case, then I was very okay with that arrangement.

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