Lucia - CHB

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I'm not explaining this mainly because I have an idea of what I want to do, soooooooo yeah.

The only thing I own is the OC.

Lucia's POV

I sigh as I walk down the alleyway to my apartment. I had finally managed to get one after working hard at a cafe near here.

I had dropped out of school, one cause I don't have a lot of money, and two, I have dyslexia.

I've never met my parents. My dad and mom were killed when they went off the grid, and I was the only thing they found. The only thing I have ever gotten from them was a note and a trident necklace.

The necklace I have never taken off.

But I'm a normal 17 year old in New York. Things like this happen all the time. Cold cases that are never found out.

I took the key out from my bag and jammed it into the key hole and turned it. I sighed again and rammed the splintered door open with my body weight. 

I looked around at my apartment. It was in one of the worse neighborhoods, the pluming sucked and the whole house smelled like old beer and cigarettes. 

I dropped my bag by the door and closed it, locking it while I was there. I took a few steps before I fell back onto the couch into a sleep.


Thunder crackled overhead as I ran through the forest. Rain poured down and mud caked my shoes and mist made it hard to see. Lighting flashed as I slipped down a hill, rolling my ankle in the process. I cried out in pain, but the only thing that answered was the storm.

Slowly, I managed to get up and limped away from whatever I was running from.

I glanced back and saw a flash of red and black from the trees. 

I saw a glimpse of gold and a flash.

A pile of golden dust stood where I saw the flash of black and red, and a figure stood over it. They held a sword and golden armor covered their body. I could tell he had messy black hair, but that was all other and tan skin.

Just as they started to turn around, another person appeared from the trees. I couldn't make out either of the faces.

"Son of Poseidon. Have you come to except your defeat?" The one from the trees said as he came in view, showing red rock like armor and a giant sword in his hand. He had horns on top of his head and looked like there was something in the armor he wore. Something alive.

"Never." The one with golden armor spoke. He gripped his sword and looked ready to attack at any moment.

"Where's that little daughter of Athena that you care for so much to fall into my home, hmm? Or even that little child-" The man taunted.

"Shut up! You killed Annabeth and I'm going to make sure you won't kill anyone else for the next eon." The man cackled at what the other man said.

"Then good bye, Perseus Jackson."


I shot up from the couch, sweat now covering my body in a thin sheet. Outside, lightning flashed and thunder crackled.

I rubbed my hand up against my face and looked at the clock.

12:47 p.m.

Great. I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. 

I sighed and got up from the couch and grabbed my bag and out the door to my motorcycle. I only use it when I need to get my mind off of things, cause hey, gas is expensive.

I zip up my jacket that I grabbed and it started to rain.

Great. Nothing like driving in the rain at the middle of night.

I put on my helmet and started the engine, which roared to life and took off.

Soon, I was out of New York City and on a gravel road when I noticed a sign. The big letters that would say the company was all messed up, but the words under it I could read.

'All half-bloods welcome.'

That made me uneasy. What's a half-blood?

I was ripped out of my thoughts by something on the road. The fog and darkness made it hard to see but I could tell that it was something blocking the road.

But no it wasn't a person. It looked like a log. Probably a tree that had fallen from the storm.

I turned around to face a hill that I had not noticed before. At the top, there was a pine tree with a fleece hanging from it and something that looked  like gold wrapped around the base.

I drove slowly up the hill until I got to the top. I was still dark but the storm seemed to have stopped in this area. I looked at the tree and around the base was a golden dragon.

My eyes widened.

It's ruby eyes examined me before snorting and laying it's head onto the ground.

A person started ascending the hill as I stopped my bike and unbuckled my helmet and slid it off, my curly blond hair that was up in a bun now falling to my shoulders.

I turned to look at the tree again when a voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Annabeth?" The voice gasped.

I turned to look at the girl that was a meter or two away from me. She had cinnamon colored hair and dark skin with golden eyes. She was wearing a purple shirt with gold letters I couldn't make out and jeans that were cuffed at the ankles. She looked to be around in her mid-twenty's. 

"I'm sorry, I'm not Annabeth. My names Lucia." I say and get of my bike and held out my hand.

"I'm Hazel. Sorry, I mistook you for a old friend." Hazel said. I gave her a small smile.

"It's fine. What is this place thought?" I asked looking behind her to see a big blue house and a pavilion and also cabins in the shape of a omega. 

"It's Camp Half-Blood. Safe haven for demigods. And you are one of them." She says.

"What? Gods are real?" I say, my eyes widening.

"Yes, I just would like to know your last name. I never got it."

"Jackson." I say and her eyes widen. "But what are demigods?"

"Children of the Greek and Roman gods. I'm a daughter of Pluto." She says as if it was nothing.

"Oh. Then how come I can see this place? I know both my parents, but they're dead." I say sadly.

"Who are they?" She asks, looking into my sea-green eyes.

"My dads name was Perseus but he preferred to be called Percy, and my moms was Annabeth. They both died when I was a baby."






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