Carter Han - Percy Jackson

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I smiled when I saw a mop of black hair walk though the door of the party. I didn't think he would come.

I walked over to where he was, seeing a black haired kid with pale skin with him.

"Hey, Perce! Didn't think you'd make it!" I yelled over the music. "Who's that behind you?"

"That my cousin, Nico. He's just here because he had nothing better to do." Percy yelled.

"Cool! The more the merrier, right?" I said and turned back to where there was a game going on. "You wanna play some truth or dare?" 

"Uh," Percy looked back at Nico who shrugged. "Sure!"

"Cool!" I yelled and walked over to the couches where everyone was at. "Hey guys, can we join ya?" I asked and they all said yes.

Nico sat on a chair in the shadows while Percy sat next to me.

"Alright, who to pick." A girl from the volleyball team questioned. "You." She pointed at Nico.

"Truth." He muttered.

"Ugh, boring. Fine, uh, how many languages do you speak?" She asked and everyone started to giggle but were cut of by Nico's accented voice.

"3. 2 fluently. Percy, choose." Nico gave Percy a menacing look but Percy just smiled.

"Love you too, little coz. Dare." Percy grinned.

"Call Annabeth." Nico said with a small smirk on his face. "And tell her that you lost all of her designs."

"WHAT!!" Percy screeched. "DO YOU WANT TO GET ME KILLED!?"

"It's payback."

"Pass." Percy said.

"But-" One kid started.

"You." Percy pointed at a football player. "Choose."

"Um, dare?" He said like a question.

"Dunk your head in the fish tank for 20 seconds." Percy said and the guy scoffed.

"Easy." He went over to the fish tank and stuck his head in, and instantly the fish started to crowd around his face, nipping and poking at it.

As soon as his 20 second were up, he flung his head up ward and sat as far away from the fish as possible.

"Georgia." He said and pointed at  a cheerleader.

"Truth." She said, her nose in the air.

"Are you a transfer? Cause I swear you are." The guy asks.

"No. How many times do I have to tell you people? I. Live. Here. Percy, truth or dare?" She asks.

"Dare." Percy leans back and smirks.

"I dare you to take your shirt off for the rest of the game." She smiles and looks at him with a dazed look. 

"Why?" Percy asks, not moving.

"Well, I mean, like, you all ways where that sweatshirt. So yeah." A popular girl flips her hair and bats her lashes.

"Fine." Percy says and pulls off his sweatshirt, reveling pale white lines  to our eyes.

"Whoa, man. What happened?" A jock asks.

"Accident." Percy replies as if it was nothing. "Carter."

"We aren't avoiding this, Perce. What happened? Is it your dad?" I ask.

"NO! My dad would never do this. There are just... bad monsters that you have to face, I was one of the people that did." Percy spoke in a unsure voice, but stood up and put his sweatshirt back on.

"Come on, Neeks. We're leaving."





HAVE A CAT IF YOU DID!! =^-.-^= 

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