chapter three

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        The next morning the group, minus Sirius and Harry, stood around in the hall all dressed for the day. Elliot stood beside Ron, her head resting on his shoulder as her eyes fluttered shut. She wore

       All was quiet except for the chatter of Lupin, Arthur, Molly and Hermione. "Morning, dear! Did you have a good sleep?" Elliot opens her eyes and looks up at Sirius and Harry walking down the stairs. "No, my scar kept hurting." Elliot raises an eyebrow in concern towards the dark headed boy.

      Arthur and Harry agreed on it just being nerves before Molly and Hermione take turns hugging Harry- one longer than the other. Hermione seemed to whisper something into Harry's ear causing Ron to scoff. "What does he get a hug for?" Elliot rolls her eyes and takes her head off his shoulder and moving to stand by Ginny

      "When you have to go to a disciplinary hearing at the Ministry of Magic, I'll hug you too." Hermione replied instantly, a cool tone in her voice but Elliot knew it was more than that.

       Ginny wraps an arm around the girl's waist as the two start to argue about the hug Hermione gave Harry. "Ronald Weasley, are you jealous?" Elliot, Molly, and Ginny all look at Ron expectingly. Elliot's eyebrows raised at Hermione's tease catching the boys stare.

      "Me? Jealous? Of course not, it just doesn't seem fair that you hug one friend more than the other is all.." Ron pauses before his face light up. "Why don't you ever hug Elliot more?" Elliot felt eyes om her as she glares at the red head. "We do. Everytime we see each other." Elliot reminds Ron causing the smile to fall from his lips as he though about it.

     "Would you like a hug?" Hermione giggles stepping towards Ron. Elliot scrunches her nose at the interaction watching Ron shake his head. "Well come on Harry. Time to go." Mr.Weasley said already done with his son being a complete and utter moron.


       Back at Grimmauld place- Elliot was being dragged by Fred and George into dancing with them while Ginny claps around them. It was a great time, Harry was back released with charges, the twins were here and Tonks arrived moments ago.

      "Oi, don't look now Ellie but-" Fred let go of Elliot's arm and switching to Ginny's as George kept his hand on her arm. "Someone's staring." George finishes Fred's sentence confusing the girl for a second before her eyes wandered to the Golden Trio.

     "No, he's looking at Hermione." Why was Elliot so sour about that? She was happy for the two. They seemed to be the perfect couple together though they did fight. A lot. Elliot glances back again seeing Ron glare at Harry when Hermione gushes over him.

      She smiles up at the now new twin, Fred, before Arthur tells the group to stop dancing and singing. Elliot frowns, the fun excitement being settled down as everyone groups together again.

     Molly exited the kitchen, asking Black if the next time he saw Dumbledore if he could tell him that Lucius Malfoy has been spotted talking to Fudge again. "Okay, well I'm off. I've got a bewitching vomiting toilet to deal with." Elliot smacks her forehead laughing as the twins share a look with each other.

       "George, remember that concept. Vomiting toilet." Elliot shakes her head at Fred knowing that it was possible they were already thinking about how that would work.

     "Also, I'm covering for Tonks on guard duty later tonight, so I won't be back until later." Arthur tells mostly Molly so she wouldn't worry. Arthur would bet that his kids didn't mind his absence- but in reality we know (or Elliot) that Ginny and Ron frowned at each other.

      It seemed so sudden, for a split second Elliot blinks thinking she should've slept last night, then randomly Harry was on the ground clutching his forehead. Right where is scar is.

      "You alright Harry?" Harry nods, getting pulled up by Sirius and being set down on a chair. "Yeah- Just my scar- Keeps getting stronger." Elliot grabs the first thing that was to her left in worry, not carrying who's hand it was.

      She worries for Harry. If his scar is getting strong; does that mean Voldemort js getting stronger? Elliot never understood how his scar works after all this time. So it scared her when Harry was in constant pain or when ever Harry seems to be with her.

      "Come on." Ginny says tugging her wrist to their shared room. Elliot lets go of the hand reluctantly and didn't get a chance to look at the person that it belongs to as Ginny pulls her up to their room quickly.

       "Wow, slow down Ginny!" Elliot exclaims catching her self as Ginny pushes her in the room and shuts the door. "Sh! Now, tell me more about this Jupiter person!" Ginny giggles as she sits on the floor in front of the standing blonde. Elliot slowly sits down across from Ginny and shakes her head. "I've already told you everything." Elliot was a bit confused as to why Ginny was rushing into conversation seeing as Harry was just hurt again; but she didn't want to question it assuming it was to try and get her mind off things.

     Ginny rolls her eyes before smiling, her face completely lighting up and grabbing paper from her bag. "What?" Elliot mutters watching ber draw names in a circle. "Whatever the pencil lands on, you have to go and spy on them and report back. Rules are you can't spin twice and you can not get caught."

     Elliot grins as her worries slowly start to fade away, though something in the back of her mind still reminded her why exactly she should be worried.

        Ginny first spins the pencil, watching impatiently spin a few short seconds before it hit the Twins. "You're kidding." Elliot laughs at Ginny as she deadpans, her shoulders slumping and all excitement draining from her face. "I'm going to get caught." Ginny whines, being pushed by Elliot out the door.

       "Too bad. This is your idea." Ellie reminds the ginger earning a groan. "Right. I'll be back. Hopefully alive." Ginny crosses her fingers and leaves the blonde standing at the door way. "What does she mean 'hopefully alive'?" Ron scared the poor girl causing her to jump and hit her hand on the wall.

        She whines turning to face Hermione and Ron with a slight frown on her face. "What?" She tilts her head holding her hands behind her back. Ron copies her frown while Hermione holds back a laugh. Hermione was more observant than Ronald so she already got the idea that Ginny and Elliot were doing something they weren't supposed to.

    "Okay?" Ron scrunches his eyebrows, his curiosity only growing when Ginny comes running from the stairs out of breath. "I think they saw me but- Oh. Hi Ronald. Hermione." Ginny smiles sweetly, moving to Elliot's side by the door frame. "I don't even want to know anymore." Ron shakes his head sighing and leaving the three girls to go downstairs.

       "Care to join?" Elliot smirks mischievously at the taller brunette causing her to smile. The next pair of voices made the group of girls groan, one already walking back into the room.

  "Can we join?"

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