The Proposal Song

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It's been about 20 weeks after thay defeted Drago Bloudfist and Astrid was in the cove then Hiccup came and started wisling. *wisling* and Hiccup started singing. "I'll swim and sail the savage seas with ne'er fear of drawnding." "And gladly ride the waves of life with you besides me." "No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey." "If you promise your heart, and love me for etunety." And then Astrid started. "My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me." "But I've no need of mighty deeds when I fell your arms around me." Hiccup contudud. "But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry." Astrid was laphing. Then Hiccup started. "And I would ceep you from all harm if you would stay besides me!" Astrid then started. "I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry." "I only want your hand to hold...." Hiccup started. "I only want you near me!" Then Toothless & Stormfly came and where watching them. Then Stormfly flow in the sky and Toothless was on the grawnd. And then both Hiccup & Astrid started. "To love & kiss, to sweetly hold!" "For ceep your laphe inside me." And both Stormfly and Toothless at the same time thay shot up thar fire ubove them creating a buttiful display of fireworks. Hiccup & Astrid look't up for a minit and then look back at each other and then thay both started. "I'll swim and sail the savage seas with ne'er fear of drawnding!" And then Hiccup finished. And as he sed these last words he nilt down on one nea and started. "And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me!" "Yess!!" The dragons made some noys like the dragons know what was going to happen. "We have to tell your mom!" "Ok Astrid let's go." Thay got on thar dragons and left. Thay landed in front of Hiccup's house. "Mom!!" "Valka!!" "What is it? "Well me and Astrid come barring news for you." "Ok." "Me & Astrid are getting married.

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