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"Okay, I let you stay in your room all day after Vanessa and Summer left yesterday," Quincy said walking into my room wit Dog. "Now tell me what's going on." He sat at the foot of my bed.

"What's there to tell?" I sat up and picked Dog up off the floor. "I kissed Vanessa then Summer busted in my room telling me that I can't date Vanessa," I rubbed Dog's head, "then I tried calling Vanessa 101 times but she wouldn't pick up so now I'm thinking that what Summer said was right."

"Oh." He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm assuming you don't want to talk to Summer?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

I sighed. "She's here isn't she?"

"She said she's not leaving until she talks to you." He said.

"Yeah okay you can send her up." I looked down at Dog.

"Just like that?" He asked.

I nodded. "I kind of need her," I scoffed, "plus I feel like an asshole because of the way I treated her."

Quincy nodded. "Your way too nice Y/n."
He got up and walked downstairs.

A minute or two later Summer walked into my room closing the door. "Hey." She said.

"Hi." I said still looking at Dog.

"Y/n listen, I know I had no right to tell you not to be with Vanessa," she now stood at the end of my bed, "so I'm going to tell you whatever you want to know because I don't want to lose you over somebody else's problems."

I scooted to the center of my bed and looked up at her. "Let's talk then."

Summer quickly sat next to me as I put Dog on the floor. "Fuck the secrets," she said, "Vanessa doesn't know what she wants." She sighed looking down at her hands. "She has this ex named David who broke up with her when he left for college, he's back now and Vanessa is still completely in love with him."

I looked away a nodded. "So, she was leading me on."

She grabbed my forearm. "No, she might have actually felt something for you but, when your first love comes back all those emotions do too," she shook her head, "so yes, she may have only kissed you back to see if she actually felt something for you but, wouldn't anybody do that just to be sure."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so," I looked at her, "look besides that, you were trying to do what was best for me so I can't be mad at you for that."

She smiled at me. "Thank God for your maturity." She leaned back against my headboard.

"Nah I'm not mature I just kind of need a friend right now you know, besides Quincy," l chuckled.

"Oh so your just using me because you're lonely." She smiled.

I nodded. "Exactly," I sighed, "but in all honesty, It sucks because I just started to catch feelings for her but, now I have to forget those feelings or get hurt."

She sighed. "Maybe she'll realize he's no good for her and leave him for you."

I shook my head. "I don't want to be a rebound though."

"Then, you just sit back and relax," she shrugged, "just be careful."

I nodded. Just be careful, I can do that.

Summer laid her head on my shoulder. "But, if she does pick him over you," she sighed, "I'll be here."

"Oh, does Winter have a secret crush on me?" I teased.

She smacked my chest and shoved her face into my neck. "Shut up I definitely don't want you."

"Oh yeah?" I leaned back looking at her blushing face. "Then why are you blushing?"

She cleared her throat. "So what do you want to watch?" She asked.

I laughed and pulled her into me. "Awww your adorable Winter."

"Shut upppp!"
"Okay, I like Vanessa she puts you in your place but, if she doesn't pick up this time," Quincy shrugged, "fuck her."

I nodded and picked up my phone. I clicked on her contact, took a deep breath in and pressed call.


"Hello." She whispered.

"Fuck Quincy she didn't pick-," I paused, and looked down at my phone, "oh." I said.

I quickly ran to my room and closed the door behind me. "Hey." I said into the phone.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for not answering I was just," she sighed, "conflicted."

I nodded. "Wanna tell me about it?"

"It's just, at first I didn't know if the kiss made me feel something or not, but then I thought about it and realized that it did."

I bit my lip. "Do I feel a but coming on?"

"But," she paused, "Y/n I really care about you but, I don't have feelings for you," she sighed, "the kiss didn't make my heart beat out of my chest but, it gave me butterflies so now I'm even more confused."

I sighed. "I get it and I respect you for telling me and, maybe those butterflies were just nerves you know?"

"Yeah, maybe that's all it was." She chuckled softly. "It's been two days Y/n and I really miss you but, I don't want to come back around and make it awkward or anything."

"You're saying but too much," I smiled, "let's not ruin our friendship because of a little crush." I looked down, "how about we meet up and, get things back to normal?"

"I'm in love with someone." She said quickly.

I nodded and felt my heart crack. "That's not what I asked mama."

She sniffled. "Baby I don't want to break your heart."

"Trust me, that'll only happen if you distance yourself from me," I whispered, "plus, it's too early into our relationship to be crying over each other."

She chuckled. "Right, well I'm at the park on Oak Drive if you want to meet up with me."

"I'll be there in five." I said.

"See you then." She hung up.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes. I guess she is too perfect for me.
"I probably should've asked you what part of the park you were in because it took me forever to find you." I said standing behind Vanessa who sat on a bench.

She quickly stood and turned to me smiling. "Yeah, because 5 minutes turned into 20 and I kind of thought you bailed on me."

"I would never." I walked up to her and looked around.

She grabbed my arm. "Hug me, dummy."

I quickly pulled her into me wrapping my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.

She kissed my ear, "Don't hate me Y/n," she whispered in my ear.

I leaned back. "Nessa," I lifted her chin and met her eyes, "you don't have to beat yourself up for not having feelings for me, I'm a big girl." I winked.

She giggled. "Yeah."

I stared at her holding a small smile on my face. "Your so short mama," I smiled and put my hand on top of her head, "honestly how many people came over and asked you where your parents are?"

She laughed and pushed me away. "Ohh you're hilarious," she sat on the bench and pulled me down next to her, "hey, how many people ask you if that scar on your arm is a chicken tattoo?"

My eyes widened as I chuckled. "That was a low blow Nessa."

"Oh sorry I don't want to make you cry, or should I say," she leaned closer to me, "bawl." She threw her head back laughing.

"I only came for you once why keep going?" I smiled looking at her.

"I'm sorry but, you can't come for a girl's height." She smiled at me.

I nodded. "Lesson learned," I shrugged, "even though my joke was better."

She shook her head and pushed my shoulder. "Yeah right."

At least I didn't lose her as a friend.

I guess.

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