The end

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It's finally here 😭😭


2 years later

"Y/n Y/ln, it seems like things are going well?"

I nodded. "Spectacular."

She chuckled. "Right you have a girlfriend, you just won a huge award, and you just finished a tour so now you get to relax at home with your family. Question is, what are you going to do now?"

I glanced at Quincy and smiled at the interviewer. "I'm going to go home and be with the love of my life."

"Awww, well you heard it here first guys, Y/n Y/ln is a family gal."

I chuckled and shook her hand as she held it out. "Have a good night."

"You too."

Walking away I headed towards Quincy who slowly clapped. I nodded and held my Grammy above my head as I bowed.

"Stop flexing and stand up bitch."

I chuckled and tossed my arm over his shoulder as we walked down the red carpet, a bunch of fans and photographers screaming our name but in all honesty, I'm only trying to hear one person scream my name.

And that's Quincy obviously.

I looked over at him and smiled brightly.

He felt my stare and met my eyes as a smile slowly spread onto his lips. "Tonight?"

I nodded and patted the little box in my pocket. "Tonight."

He whooped. "Fucking finally!" He stopped walking and turned around. "HEY GUYS MY BEST FRIEND IS ABOUT TO PROP-"

My eyes widened and I slapped my hand over his mouth as I continued pulling him to the exit. "You know damn well she's at home watching."

I let go and he grimaced walking straight. "My bad I forgot."

I scoffed as we made it outside and our limo pulled up. "How'd you forget?"

"I don't know," he shrugged as we climbed into the limo. "She is your biggest fan after all."

I gasped and his eyes widened as he immediately shook his head. "NO!"


He smacked his lips. "I didn't mean it dude, we all know I'm your biggest fan."

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter, I'm telling her."

He smacked his lips. "Telling her what? I didn't say shit."

I smacked my lips and leaned forward. "Gara, you heard that right?"

Our limo driver chuckled and then clicked a button rolling up the divider.

Quincy laughed and I leaned back pouting. "That hurt."

He shook his head and looked down typing something.



I frowned. "As in someone else's husband or-"

He smacked my shoulder and rolled his eyes. "I don't cheat...anymore."

I chuckled as I tilted my head back.

Tonight's finally the night that I make one of my biggest dreams come true.

I'm going to marry her...Well, not tonight but I'm going to propose and- whatever.

"So you're going to propose how she wants you to?"

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