Thirty eight

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"I think eggs are gross don't at me." I shrugged sitting next to Jasmine.

"I think your gross," Zendaya rolled her eyes. "Eggs are a part of everyday life."

I shook my head. "Not if I avoid them."

"And here we go." Quincy whispered to Troye.

"Oh my- So no matter what you won't eat eggs?" She asked sitting up.

I shook my head and rested it on Jasmines shoulder. "Nope, eggs are the devil food."

She scoffed. "If anything pork is the devils food, why do you think there's a whole religion against eating it?"

"We're not talking about pork though, are we?" I squinted.

"No but we are talking about the devils food which is pork not eggs." She said and sat back like she won the argument.

I scoffed. "Fine, eggs aren't the devils food but they are gross."

"Okay, are you talking about boiled eggs or scrambled eggs?" She asked.

I frowned. "The fuck both?"

She pointed at me. "No need to curse asshole." I chuckled as she continued. "Maybe you just never had good eggs."

"Your right, because there all ass." I said.

She bit her lip and then smirked. "So eggs are just gross, period." I hummed. "No matter what food it's in, even if you can't taste it?" I nodded. "So you must despise cheesecake."

"Ohhhh shit." Jasmine laughed out and I gasped sitting up.

"This is getting interesting." I heard Troye mumble.

"How dare you say I despise cheesecake." I frowned.

She shrugged still smirking. "Well, there are eggs in cheesecake."

I looked down at my hands. Oh no, my whole life has been a lie. How could I not see this coming?

"L-Liar." I looked back up at her.

"Am I though?" She leaned forward. "Eggs make the cheesecake thick."

I pouted and looked at Jasmine who shrugged. "She's not lying Y/n, you love eggs."

I shook my head. "Say sike."

She shook her head. "I won't lie to you."

"Okay y'all not about to gang up on my best friend," Quincy said and stood up in the middle of the living room with his phone in his hands. "Cheesecake can use eggs or-"

"Shut up!" Zendaya yelled standing up.

"No keep talking!" I followed her actions. Maybe there's hope after all.

"You can use eggs or..." he trailed off, the air in the room getting thicker as the seconds passed by, then he finally whispered. "Starch."

I threw my hands up. "Ha, fuck You Zendaya."

She crossed her arms. "Whatever fine you can use starch but," she shrugged. "How will you know when you eating eggs or starch?"

I rolled my eyes. "Dammit."

Troye laughed standing up. "Wow, this episode was amazing."

Quincy shook his head. "This is what I go through all the time when these two get together."

Jasmine nodded. "Yup, last week it was tv shows."

I sat back next to her. "You could've told me that."

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