Archery Lessons

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Percy's P.O.V.

I walked through the front door of Mom and Paul's new apartment. "Hey Mom!? I'm home!" I shouted through the door as i pushed it open.

"Percy?!" She enveloped me in her arms. "Why are you home early?"

"Some shortage of supplies at camp. Anyone who wanted to leave could."

"I thought you'd want to stay." She looked at me concerned. "Is that really all?"

"Yes mom. I'm fine. I promise. I'm gonna go unpack. Okay?"

"Alright sweetie. Then get straight to bed. It's late."

"Yes Ma'am."

Once in my room, I only unpacked my clothes. I'd grabbed a bow from the armory before I left. Deciding that I'd get better with it. Whatever it takes. Maybe I'll even ask Apollo for help? I pushed the thought aside deciding that I'd maybe go to Olympus to ask him.


Over the next few months I had stayed with my Mom and Paul. Turns out my mom was pregnant! They were going to name her Kassandra. It was Greek, but not so obvious that you wouldn't like your own name. Like Me. I thought.

I had being thinking of something that had been bothering me. It was going to one of the hardest choices I ever made. I eventually made up my mind, and that evening I called Mom and Paul into the dining room.

"Mom, Paul." I nodded at them to take a seat. I could see my mom's belly was bulged from carrying the baby. "Once Kassandra is born. I'm leaving."

"What!?" They both exclaimed.

"Wait!" I said before they could continue. "I don't want to put Kass in danger of monsters."

"Perce. Are you sure you've thought this through?" She sounded worried but I could see the relief in her eyes. She would never ask me to leave, but I knew she wanted Kass as safe as I did. "I mean. Where would you go? Camp?"

"No." I had told them what happened at camp a week after I got back. "I'll go out on my own. I'll do what Artemis's Hunters do and camp out and hunt monsters. And occasionally help a demigod or two."

"But what about school Percy?" Paul asked. "I can't have a job in the mortal world. I'll never have a normal life with how strong my scent is. Maybe the gods will allow me to live on Olympus like they do the nymphs and some minor gods. Though I have my doubts about that." I finished.

"Well young man. I respect the amount of thought you've put into this and your dedication to your family. Still. You will visit at least once a month and on holidays." That was Paul again. He really had become like another father figure to me.

"Yes, but twice a month. Just to be safe." Mom said.

"Yes Mom." We all got up and they hugged me and we all went to bed.


I hugged my mother goodbye. Then I kissed my baby sister's forehead before walking out the door and giving one last wave to my family.

First thing I did was make my way to the Empire State Building. And after a minute or two of arguing with the desk clerk, I got the key to Olympus after pulling riptide out and shoving it in the man's face.

Once up on Olympus I made my way to the throne room hoping to find the only god I wanted to talk to. I walked in without being noticed. I groaned internally. All the gods were there. Poseidon and Zeus arguing about which of their domains was better. Athena and Artemis were talking battle strategies. Apollo and Hermes were talking in hushed voices obviously plotting some poor gods demise to either a prank or being a victim of thievery. Dionysus and Demeter were talking about the best ways to grow plants. Ares and Aphrodite were flirting, while Hephaestus looked on planning their next embarrassing date. Hera just looked exasperated.

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