Imagine: Kylo Ren

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You and your man, Kylo Ren are making musical.lys together and you are doing your favorite song Beat it by Michael Jackson. You are trying to bust a move then all of a sudden he fricking wipes a HUGE booger on your phone screen

BEN!!'!!!!!!!b You scream at the top of your lungs and he is wearing high waisted black leggings right now

Then he is like 'babé what's wrong' and you are like 'YOU JUST PUT A BOOGER ON MY PHONE

Then you decide to go to Wal Mart to work things out, whenever you have an argument you always come here. It calms you down being in the customer service area. So anyways you are both standing in the customer service department and you are SOBBING

So he hugs you and says 'im so sorry y/n please forgive me.'

You have a very hard time forgiving him because this was a very serious thing. But through tears you are like OKAY KYLO REN I WILL FORGIVE YOU
So you both hug and then you go to the car and pick your nose but then he crashes the  car because he was picking his nose so hard. You both die

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