poe dameron

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you and your man poe dameron are cudling on the couch watching barbie life in the dream house. you've always wanted a barbie doll for your own you've never had one in your whole life

all of a sudden poe just gets up and leaves and your like poe where are you going

he says "i have to urinate" so he goes into the bathroom and you hear a bunch of paper crumpling noises "poe what are you doing" you ask

oh nothing he says. 8 hours go by and he is still in there with paper!!!!!! finally you open the door 🚪 and you see he was wrapping up a brand new 2001 toyota caravan in gift wrap for you!!!!

oh poe!!!! how romantic!!!!" you start kissing his finger nails because you love him so much

"babe!! check this out!!" he opens the sliding door on your caravan and there is mouse poop in there

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