Chapter Two

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Chapter two

When we reached Ms. Hawthorn’s office she met us at the door as if she was expecting us

“Quickly, inside” she casually checked the corridors before closing the door behind her.

“How did you know we were coming?” I finally spoke up.

“Because Samantha……..”

“Sam” I corrected

“Sam, unlike other vampires we are somewhat…….different”

“Different?” I echoed.

“Yes different” she paused and walked to the ceiling length glass windows and stood there looking out like a dictator “You see Sam I am an intuitive vampire, I sense things before they happen, but not all, there is also another type of intuitive vampire, they are the most powerful ones, but the problem is, they are rear and only appear every three thousand years, this specific type has visions. These visions can sometimes become so graphic that the individual’s soul can momentarily leave his or hers body and go in the future.” She finally finished.

“Hold on, you said see the future but Jessica is already dead and the party was last night so……” I trailed off.

“Yes I know in rare cases and extremely powerful vampires they can even go back into the past.” I took liberty of talking time to digest it all as she continued talking. “Especially if a dead vampire is calling out to you to avenge his or hers death.”

“So Jessica is calling out to me from beyond the grave?”

“It would appear so”

As we were about to leave she said “Sam I can’t say that this will not be a life changing experience because it will be you will be scared for life after this the things you will see are very nice. Some really awful things happened in this academy. But remember with power comes great responsibility” and with that we left.

Back at our dorm I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t stop thinking that I was missing the bigger picture here. So at about three am I got up and quietly made my way to my computer. I started researching all the deaths at in the institution. And sure enough Jessica’s death was only one of the 30 ‘deaths’ in the two years I have been here.

How is it that I didn’t hear about this? Where the hell was I? Whoever is responsible for these deaths must be someone with power or knows someone with power in order to cover up all these deaths. And with that conclusion I fell asleep on my computer desk.

“SAM!!!!!!!” I heard someone screaming. It was only after repeatedly blinking that my eyes could finally focus on the image in front of me. My eyes opened just in time to see Arlene about to throw a bucket of no doubt ice water on my face.

“NO WAIT!!! I’M UP” I quickly shouted.

After we calmed down I finally said “Do you not know any other way to wake a person than to throw ice cold water on their face?” I questioned.

“I thought you were unconscious!”

“Then why didn’t you check first?”

“I dunno know”

All I could do shake my head and since today was Saturday that meant no school, so I could use the time to do some investigations of my own. I quickly threw on some Sunday clothes, washed out jeans and a tank top, and left Arlene doing her hair. My first stop was the library. I needed to find out why anyone would want a vampires blood. Upon reaching the library I went straight to the non-fiction section grabbed the book I needed and found I cosy corner to sit plug in my ear buds and start reading. After reading endless and irrelevant chapters I finally found something interesting. It read that a vampire’s blood is very valuable and long ago when vampires ruled the world vampires would turn on younger ones and suck their blood in order to get stronger so they could over throw the vampire that was in charge at the time. That’s all I had gotten to read when I was forced to slam the book close when Michael flopped down next to me.

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