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Mr Stark steps into Peter's room. Looking livid.

"What were you thinking?!" He roared, "you could've killed him! Why did you mock his parents?! I thought you were better than this!" Mr. Stark took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself. "He was just a kid! You broke two of his ribs Peter! I never thought you would bully someone! Especially someone that really matters to me!" He pauses again and looks Peter in the eye. "I had to tell him that you are Spider-Man," Mr Stark seemed to have calmed down a bit, "but he will choose your punishment. Whether it's no lab time or you getting grounded. It's up to him. Harley is a great kid. I don't know why you had to be so jealous of him that you hit him!" Mr Stark was shouting again at the end.

"I didn't mock his parents!" Peter finally found his voice, "he was mocking my parents, he said they left me because-" he didn't get to finish.

"HE MOCKED YOUR PARENTS?! NOW, WHO'S INJURED?! WHICH ONE OF YOU HAS THEIR FEELINGS HURT THE MOST?! HARLEY DOES! AND NOW YOU SAY IT'S HIS FAULT?! HE'S A NICE AND AMAZING KID, WHY WOULD HE DO THAT TO YOU?!" Mr Stark has never looked more angry in his life, "I will go with Harley now to discuss your punishment. Think about your actions, Peter." With that he was gone.


About an hour later, Harley and Mr Stark stepped into Peter's room. Harley walked right up to the bed where Peter lay and smirked.

"I have decided your punishment." He declared.

Peter stayed silent.

"You will be grounded for the whole time I am staying here. That means no friend visits or Spider-Man. Oh, and speaking of Spider-Man," Harley sneered, "I'll be taking over that role for a while since you are so irresponsible and violent. Mr Stark here will make me a new suit and I will be called the Golden Spider." Harley had a dreamy look in his eyes while he said this. "I'll go save the people since I'm responsible and actually care for them and you'll stay here to think about your actions and how you can be more like me."

At this point Peter had sat up in bed, angry as hell.

"You?! Taking over as Spider-Man? You're responsible now? What did I ever do to you?! You don't deserve to be him!" Peter was beyond mad.

"Oh you did so many things to me," Harley said venomously, "you mocked my parents and hurt me. Then you tried to convince Tony here that I was the bad guy. I'll be Spider-Man because I'm worth it and you won't be because you're not."

Peter leapt off his bed with his fist raised towards Harley when he was stopped by a very angry looking Tony Stark.

"Told you he'd do that." Harley pretended to be afraid and hide behind Mr Stark's back.

"Peter, give me the suit." Mr Stark said coldly.

Peter didn't answer, looking at the floor.

"Now!" Peter flinched and dug the suit from his backpack. He handed it over.

"You are grounded and in so much trouble young man." With that Tony guided Harley softly out of the room, leaving a really depressed and sad Peter behind to grieve silently. No Spider-Man. Being Spider-Man was what kept him sane. It was the only thing keeping his emotions in check. It was the only thing that kept him living. Now it was gone. That jerk took it away from him so he could finally get in the spotlight. Peter flopped onto his bed, sighing deeply and letting tears silently flow down his face. He slowly cried himself to sleep.


The next morning, Peter was awakened by a flash of lightning outside his window. He suddenly forgot about the terrible things that happened yesterday and raced out of his room after changing into a t-shirt and jeans. He ran into the kitchen/living room where Mr Stark and Harley were having breakfast together and immediately found his target. Two gods were just stepping out of the elevator. Peter zeroed in on the one with dark hair and green clothes. With a grin he attacked Loki, the God of Mischief with a flying tackle hug that made both of them fall to the floor with a crash.

"Oh brother, I have missed you so much." Peter and Loki has become blood brothers after they met when they found out how much they had in common. The depressing thoughts, the PTSD attacks and the anxiety strikes. They had helped each other through it and had grown a close bond. They were like brothers and were even closer than Steve and Bucky.

"I have missed you too little spider," Loki said as they got off the floor. Little spider, that was when Peter was Spider-Man. He grimaced at the thought and Loki noticed.

"Peter are you alright?" He asked.

Peter shook his head slowly, "come to my room and I'll explain." He said then walked off before Tony could stop him.


Peter had told Loki everything that had happened and the god was seething. He was getting up to kill Stark so Peter quickly pulled him back down onto the bed.

"No Loki, if you do that Mr Stark would think that I am doing more bad things and will hate me more. Please Loki, control yourself." Peter begged.

Loki sighed.

"Fine. Only for you."

Inside though, Loki wanted to murder Stark and the new boy, Harley. But Peter was right, if he did that Stark would possibly hate Peter more. He sighed again and grasped Peter's hand.

"Stark is stupid to have Harley be able to trick him. Don't worry Peter, I trust you. Stark will probably come to his senses when Harley leaves. I'm here for you brother, I always will be."

They watched Netflix for the rest of the day and told stories of their lives. Loki had told Peter all about Asgard and it's gods and about the pranks he used to play in his brother. Peter told stories of Spider-Man. He gave animated explanations of every kidnapping, mugging and other crimes he had stopped during his years of Spidermannning (he's 16 btw) and they shared a good time. Food was provided by Loki who stole right off the kitchen table with a Dr Strange-like portal. Peter had the time of his life since Mr Stark had gotten angry at him with his blood brother on his side (Loki is around 16-17 in Earth years). They fell asleep on Peter's bed that night and both of them did not have any nightmares. Which was pretty rare.


1132 words.

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