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Peter awoke the next morning to a kick in the ribs. It hurt like hell but he only grunted and stood up. The man was back with a big stick with spikes sticking out of it. He beat Peter senseless and asked him again to join HYDRA but Peter gave him the middle finger. The man just dragged him into a room and threw him on the ground. Suddenly all ten speakers around him began to play Hail HYDRA and Peter was forced to listen to it. He covered his ears but he could still hear the sounds. He felt like he should give in. Nobody was gonna come for him anyways. He should let go of his sanity and go to HYDRA. No, Peter shook himself. He couldn't do that. He was Spider-Man. He couldn't let them down. The sounds continued for the whole night so Peter got zero sleep. Then the man took him out again and put him into a room and turned the heat up really high. Peter soon passed out from exhaustion.

The torture continued for a long three months until he was brought to the wiping room since HYDRA knew they had no choice but to wipe him. So they did. The pain was unbearable. But when they were done. Peter couldn't remember a thing.

"Up, Shadow."

Peter stood up, following the order.

"Ready to comply."


Peter was sent on multiple missions. He killed plenty of people until he lost his right arm.

It was a simple mission: he was supposed to kill a man who was interfering with HYDRA's business. He went to a party but before he could kill the man, there was an explosion. Somehow Shadow had ended up blocking the explosion for the man he was supposed to kill and in the process, Shadow had lost his arm. He stumbled back to HYDRA and was punished harshly before given a metal prosthetic. It was just a metal arm with nothing special on it, made out of vibranium. Shadow went on several missions after the failed one and had successfully killed his targets every time. HYDRA was making him better. He would train daily and improve on his skills until he got so good that none of his targets could challenge him. Never again would he fail a mission, he promised himself. He would always succeed.



Loki was livid. The trail was taking way too long. It had been a year already! There were many hearings and Loki had been to every one of them. The jury of Asgard had testified against his way too many times than usual and Loki was getting agitated. Where was Peter now? What will Stark and Harley do to him? He was worried about Peter's safety and really wanted this trail to be over as quickly as possible.

As he was thinking, one of the guards came into his room.

"You have two more hearings this month and then the case will be resolved." The guard turned and left.

One more month was a bit too long for Loki's liking. Who knows what Peter would be going through? Loki was pretty angry at Stark and all the Avengers. Well maybe except for Nat since she still cared for Peter. Loki paced his room, feeling even more agitated than usual. He just hoped that the trail will come out the right way.


Earth, New York

It has been quite a while since the people of New York had seen the old Spider-Man. Right now, the only spidey there was was the Golden Spider who didn't give a shit about the safety of the city or citizens. He never saved people from burning buildings, he never stopped mugging or drug deals. He just swung around acting like he was the coolest dude ever. Which he wasn't. He was a selfish hero and the city demanded to know where the original spidey went. In the past few months, there was also a HYDRA agent going around killing people. Crime rates at increased significantly and the people were always on edge, waiting for the worst to happen. Once, they had tried to ask the Avengers for help but they just turned a blind eye except for Black Widow. She had kinda became the original spidey, protecting the city as best she could and saving people.

But she wasn't Spider-Man.

And they all missed him.


HYDRA Headquarters, Russia

It has been a while since Shadow had been sent on a mission. He spent his days training with some other soldiers and agents. He tried to remember what his life was like before HYDRA but he could only remember snippets of it: there was a screen, like the ones the HYDRA officials used. It had played a series of animated videos. He could remember himself laughing and someone had sat next to him. Then there was a scene of himself falling in First Person POV. He had jumped off a building and then suddenly, a white string (nylon maybe?) had shot out of him arm and he grabbed it and swung. There was also a memory of a suit of iron, it was flying at top speed towards a battle. The battle was a bunch of colorfully dresses people against-. It was against HYDRA agents! These memories came back to Shadow in his sleep and he had no idea what they meant. It was all like that until the day he saw a backpack, a well worn, used-to-be-black backpack sitting on a table with the zipper open. Then everything came back to him in a sudden rush. And then he finally figured everything out. He realized that he wasn't a belonging of HYDRA. The branding on his chest that they gave him was a cruel mark. He remembered his name and what had happened to him. Though he wished he had forgotten some of the memories. Sadly, they all came back and he knew he had to leave.


I'm working on the next part. Out soon.

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