Chapter 1: Awestruck!

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Quirks, one of the special and unique traits that 80% of the human population has. It's common for people to develop abilities that people can watch in awe. Because of this new evolution of mankind, being a hero was possible for every man, woman, and child. At the same time, villains begin to emerge from within the shadow. A ying and yang, dark versus light, good versus bad, and more examples of balance this world needs. 

In order to keep balance upon this with justice and order, being a hero is always a main pathway for those who begin to show signs of a quirk. This can make newcomers with quirks help the world and make peace. This is how the number one All Might be influence. Because of the world seeking for help of a hero, he was there to answer their help. With his signature smile and is well quirk, One for All, he was the top hero of this generation. Not only does he save lives of theirs, he inspires young heroes in train to give their all. Go plus ultra!

This includes one small boy with green messy hair, green eyes, and freckles on his cheeks. He was a huge fan of the number one, as the boy was holding onto an All Might while wearing an All Might pajamas. He was watching one of All Might many record footages of him saving lives and looking incredible and influential while doing so on his computer screen. Beside him was his own mother, who could not stop smiling seeing her son enthusiasm viewing All Might's heroic actions. She too has green eyes, freckles under her eyes, and green hair, although the hair was tie to a ponytail. She simply was wearing a white blouse and black pj bottoms standing behind her son. This mother is Inko Midoriya.

"I want to a hero like All Might!" exclaimed the boy, with his cute high pitched voice. "He's cool and help people. I want to help people like him."

"Awe Izuku, you will be like All Might," the mother said to make her son smile brightly. "When you get your quirk, you'll do great things."

The little boy's eyes widen, hopefully his mother words were honest and true. He looks back at the screen seeing his hero once again doing his best by saving others with a smile. He knew that All Might doesn't care about fame or money, as a true hero he only cares about saving others. One day, Izuku will be like All Might and stand tall with a smile on his face to make others believe in heroism. All he has to do was to wait for his quirk to manifest.

"Oh, I almost forgot to check the mail. I'll be right back," said Inko as she steps out of the room.

Izuku look where she left and then glance back at the screen to see the video was over. Izuku was going to move the mouse to clink on one more All Might video, yet he saw a recommended video from the corner of his eyes. He watched closely at the thumbnail of the recommended video to see a person with green and black tights covering his lower body with black boots, a green and black mask with what looks like lightning on each side of his face with a hawk head, and a cross on the forehead of the mask. The masked wrestler was shirtless with a lean muscle build. He may not know if this person was a hero or a villain caught on video, but he clinked on the video to see it loading.

When the loading screen disappeared out of sight, here comes the masked person, but he was in a wrestling ring with people attending cheering him on. Not only that, but there was another person standing in front of him, who was actually taller and muscular than the masked wrestler was. This man looks like seven feet tall compared to the masked wrestler, with long black hair and beard wearing black pants and a white muscle shirt with a black outline of a wolf on it. The small green head realizes this must be a wrestling match that existed before quirks existed. He heard about it when he was learning about the history of quirks, but he has never decided to look it up until now. So seeing this really strong wrestler towering over the masked wrestler, he thought the big wrestler was going to win.

When he heard a bell ring, Izuku watched to see the match. The big wrestler approaches the masked wrestler with his arms out, but the masked wrestler ducked and turned around to deliver a drop kick to the back of the other wrestler. The large wrestler stumbles a bit before he turns around and attempts to give the smaller wrestler a big boot, yet the masked wrestler slides under the foot and ramms his shoulder onto the back of the other leg. The big wrestler was now on his knees, with the fans cheering. Izuku was impressed with the masked wrestler. Using his small height as an advantage to avoid his large opponent attempted to catch or strike him.

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